Thursday, April 26, 2007

For me

Ryan typed: write a blog about how much Mitt Romney is awesome for me
Later, he said that he would. But I don't want to do my history homework.
Mitt Romney is awesome. He is running for the 2008 election for who-knows-what in some state. I started to stalk him on, but the first website was so boring (some blog) that it bored me. I went to check my email. Mitt Romney is a good person because Ryan likes him. Therefore, he is probably a Liberal Democrat because we all know how liberal Ryan is. ;) cough cough
There. I wrote something about Mitt Romney's awesome-ness.


Ryan said...


Anonymous said...

"Who knows what in some state?" More like the president of the whole US.
He's awesome only because if he wins, he will be the first Mormon president ever. That's all the praise I have for him. I don't know much about him, but since Ryan likes him, that automatically means I most likely won't.
Hmm... I have no idea who I'm supporting for 2008.