Saturday, June 30, 2007


Both of my "brothers" now have people who seeem to act like they like them and it is really scaring me.
Katelyn's boyfriend is currently in Peru, so she consequently acts a bit more quiet and slightly disappointed.
My VP's Korean-obsessive-person is sad even in her typing. She even described herself as sad/depressed (in Korean) in her status.
This is really disturbing (VP's) and I don't even know why. She IS Korean... But last time I checked, she was undecided about how she felt towards him. Someone else told me that she wants a Korean-tennis-playing boyfriend. And my VP perfectly matches the description besides the fact that he was awesomely born in my favorite state.
On a much brighter note, I previously edited Katelyn's boyfriend's name on her cell phone so that it read "My Lover". She put him on speed dial #2, which is the lowest number there is since #1 is (very permanently) voicemail on normal cell phones in this country.
My EIA is busily studying for his derivative tests for the National Junior Classical League convention that will be... somewhere. Tennessee? I don't remember. My Head of Marketing/Travel is also going.
I haven't heard much from the HOUSE. I suppose he's being nocturnal, going online for a minute to poke people, and reading profusely. Maybe he will read this and tell me that he is alive so I don't have to appoint someone else to be the HOUSE. I would probably give the title to myself since no one else stalks ANYONE these days.
I should probably also congratulate myself for finally writing a slightly longer post.
My VP is leaving on the 8th much to the dismay of the g girls. I'm still wondering how there can possibly be q girls. They must be in various universes.
The ARG BC hasn't been in much contact with us since the fiasco of photo comments under a certain picture in a certain album in a certain website that included a few guys who were labeled a certain orientation by a certain person who questionably acts as a paragon of that certain lifestyle.

Monday, June 25, 2007

A really flat line.

Triangles were the best part of geometry proofs back in 8th grade. Now, they are menacingly boring and would really like to torture me. This is why I can't stand Trig. And also why I don't want to do any math. I would like to just skip all this sine, cosine, tangent, secant, cosecant, cotangent stuff because it seems so useless. But of course, we use almost everything we learn in math at another time... Except stem-and-leaf plots, of course. The problem is, complex numbers don't seem that exciting either. Maybe I'll just keep slacking off and playing the piano instead of real studying. There's only so many hours of piano before you start wandering away, though. I can't even play for an hour nonstop these days. Summer brings thoughts of actually doing things, but after going somewhere and actually doing something (that was kind of disappointing), nothing is exciting now.
I suppose I should go and play the piano now.
And then realize that I have nothing else to do once I'm done.
How exciting.
Like always, of course.

Sunday, June 24, 2007


A lot of the summer has passed. Because of the PRC trip, it has actually felt like a month or so.
Jack: what???
This is what one would say if one did nothing over the summer except run to guys' homes.
Jack: i'm spazzing
This is what one would say if one realized that one needed to study so that one could possibly skip Spanish 2.

It's always kind of funny when people ask me if I would like to play tennis with them (literal meaning: I would like to beat you because it would be fun and I hate you). Well, the literal meaning only applied for the second-to-last time, but it is still funny. I can't play at all.
I had a few minutes of ping-pong practice against my brother. It was very disappointing because it is too easy to dominate him and it was far too uncomfortable outside the house. Screens don't do anything.

Jack: what did you do to the officer positions????????
I fixed them? On the Kejing, Jack and June's family!!!!(ex-family members count too!) group that Chanyang made. I don't remember the exact number of exclamation points in the name of the group, though.
Jack is "La Hermana Baja y Feminina" and Katelyn is "Sister-in-Law".
It's perfect right now with the very limited amount of members.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Bored... so bored...

I want to go and do something but I'm too bored. Not that that made any sense...
Facebook is definitely not changing enough to keep me occupied. There's only so much one can do with a website like that.
There isn't even anything to post.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Technically not a double-post

I didn't get any sleep when I finally went to bed at about 2:30am after playing a game of the most retarded game of checkers possible with Ryan.
If you have the ability to skip a piece, you HAVE TO SKIP THE PIECE.
So France won against Russia.
He is now "Yahoo! Games Checkers Champion" because of our compromise.
Yahoo! Games needs to FIX their checkers game so it isn't made for not thinking. I am quickly losing my respect for Yahoo! as more uninvited incidents occur.


My eyes hurt terribly but I can't go to sleep during the day.
So I still haven't made up my significant loss of sleep.
I feel like it's 3 in the morning.
And got up at about 5:30am today.

I'm sorry that my posts are so short these days because I used to rant and I liked doing that. However, I never know if my parents might storm in and yell for me to read Chinese so I don't know if I should start something. Fortunately, the autosaving is very convenient. No one likes redoing something like a long post or a long essay for school. I'm glad I haven't had to do the latter.

Facebook is structured so that it pulls hours of time from me and leaves me feeling as though I did absolutely nothing the entire time. So addicting; so evil.

Ryan's the only one online

My jet lag got so messed up that I went tooooo far with it and now I'm getting closer to Beijing Standard Time. I basically lost a day of sleep and didn't go backwards.
I feel completely awful and I hope I'm getting tired.
But I don't really feel like leaving the computer.
I don't know what I'm doing.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Learning how to use the touchpad

When I got back, my bed felt like a really soft, thick sponge.
The touchpad felt so foreign that I had to re-learn how to use it.
The house smelled new again.
3 weeks did some interesting things to my mind.

And today, my brother said that he's a Gator fan "because they beat Ohio State".

Thursday, June 07, 2007


I finished the pirated version of The Persuit of Happyness today. It was very touching. The only major flaw is that their clothing was very, very perfect and their bathrooms were spotless. In face, their bathrooms were far better than my grandmother's in China. So I didn't feel as much emotion towards the movie. It was a but fake :( Before that, I saw the Queen, which was kind of boring but it caught my attention because I was in England when Princess Diana died.
This reminds me of when I saw the pirated version of POTC1 the summer before 8th grade. It was pretty awesome!
And THAT leads me to say: Jack, June, and Ryan (in alphabetical order by first name because I always put people in that order to be fair) should have seen POTC3 by now.
I really want to see Ocean's Thirteen, too. Explosions, hacking and stalking in one movie (Ocean's Eleven) was perfection. The second one was really disappointing. I saw the first one on the way to China (and back, I think) thanks to United Airlines because everyone had their own personal screen with which to watch movies. Northwest has three large screens, which leads to 16 or more hours of absolute boredom. I was relying on the little screen to keep my frontal lobe alive.
Instead, I must look forward to an oddly-shaped chair with static electricity-hoarding blankets, writing a math test for Pre-Algebra (which isn't bad but the problem is I forgot the superhero who is the topic for the test... must ask Ann... Heh...), slowly using up the battery in my precious but inconvenient mp3 player, and hopefully reading a good book (if I can get one).
I have musical duties now o.0

Friday, June 01, 2007


A lot of people seem to be either depressed, sick, or bored at this point. The first week trickled in some boredom, but by now, people have gotten the stomach flu, sat around at home for weeks, slept late and hated it, and haven't psychologically felt any better.
I feel really bad about not finding enough presents for people. For example, one person wants sunglasses. How do I know how wide his head is??? x.x
And then there are the random people who really deserve something. I suppose I need more opportunities to go shopping.
At least Ryan seems to constistently be in good moods. His love for Gwen Stefani will never cease. :D