Monday, March 05, 2007


My English teacher never emailed back and it's 9:43pm.
I suppose I'm officially doomed.
I need a violin teacher.
Do you guys have any good ideas? (Preferably someone who lives here...)
Oh yeah...
I also need TIME to practice.
Time hates me.
Mei, if you're reading this, TIME has nothing to do with HIM. ^^. Good luck with it, though. Seriously.
*sigh* (Yes, I literally sighed.)
Chiles Regional this Saturday... My second-to-last chance to gain back my position. Which isn't really possible because my position involved beating all the Chiles people in Algebra 2 because no one else knew what was going on at the beginning.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There are about 3 different violin teachers at Cavatina. It's the located in the back of Beethoven and Co. in Market Square. But have no idea how good they are.