Tuesday, March 13, 2007

I'm so tired of violins.

Today, we had some sort of FCAT performance assessment which required all the orchestra people to go to DMS and play for three judges and one separate one for sight reading.
Most of the day consisted of us standing on the stage, trying to pass the time for over three hours or something crazy like that. It was sooo borrringgg....
In the very beginning, we walked into a vacant music room and there was a piano, but I could barely play anything because we were really paranoid about its volume and close vicinity (about 20 feet of another room in between) to the judging/performing room. Then, we walked off to get our violins out... Aaaahhh.
I hate the violin even more now.

When I got home, I played the piano for a few minutes. It brought back some of my sanity.

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