Monday, March 05, 2007

and then it dawns on you

I forgot to go after lunch and check if my English teacher found my narrative. The rough draft (which is a typed copy of something that is pretty much done) is due tomorrow and I obviously don't have the first writing it with me. We were actually SUPPOSED to have it over the weekend or something crazy like that, but... I didn't get mine back... The one other girl who did it and speaks to me every now and then didn't get it on Friday, either. I hope the other two people whos papers she lost forgot to go, too. Then, maybe she'd be more lenient? X.X I don't want them to fail at least one assignment because of me, though. We don't really have many assignments in general, so if there is ONE zero, then that will be very unfortunate. Plus, since it's the ROUGH DRAFT, it might be more than 5 points like all the other assignments. I emailed her to ask whether or not I have to rewrite it... I know I'm going to fail the "rough draft" and "peer review" parts... Aaaahhh... My 99.3% might not be an A any more... I have two weeks left of the 3rd quarter. This is bad. At least I didn't do this at the end of the quarter. That would be terrible.... x.x I really hope it's a solid A before the quarter ends............Noooooooo.... I hope she found it!!! I REALLY do NOT want to rewrite it, even if it means I ended English with a 90%. I HATE rewriting things!!! I hope this post doesn't delete itself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

...That's not good.