System Restore is a component of Microsoft's Windows Me, Windows XP and Windows Vista operating systems that allows for the rolling back of system files, registry keys, installed programs, etc., to a previous state in the event of malfunctioning or failure. -Wikipedia
It must be really nerdy to relate life to the need for a system restore. My favorite sibling used it a few times for his laptop to counter the effects of various trojans and viruses. I can't turn my back, no matter how malfunctioned or failing things get. It's natural to check back, look thoroughly to find a solution, and overcome harmful effects on Windows XP.
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Saturday, July 05, 2008
Help, someone out there?
It just so happens that every so often, Jack and I have a discussion over religion, science, and his stance on the whole thing. So, the all-famous Big Bang. How was it initiated? What was the energy that sent out this spark of life? Umm... Well, for now, God is the only answer that can even mildly be within reach by humans. My fantasy? That Jack and I somehow figure this out before we die. Because we really want to know. But of course, that's what everyone who has ever lived has wondered. How are we going to do this? Well darn it, we can't figure out God.
me: we should like, walk over to pasadena and just sit there
Jack: because pasadena makes us smarter?
me: sure
And then, reality strikes us again.
Jack: yeah
bill's wanting to show me a manstripper video
Another deep conversation has ended, as we would much rather enjoy our lives, having fun not watching certain YouTube videos, and refraining from pondering a question with no discernible answer.
me: we should like, walk over to pasadena and just sit there
Jack: because pasadena makes us smarter?
me: sure
And then, reality strikes us again.
Jack: yeah
bill's wanting to show me a manstripper video
Another deep conversation has ended, as we would much rather enjoy our lives, having fun not watching certain YouTube videos, and refraining from pondering a question with no discernible answer.
Yesterday night, I walked down the small hill to the fireworks. My mother found me, and greeted runiteking1's father. So I realized that I had not only said "hi" to Eric, but I had also seen runiteking1's brother and said "shu1 shu1 hao3" to his father, who sped past us to catch up with Eric, who is practically my neighbor. Runiteking1's father said "da4 de zai4 hou4 mian4" to my mother after their short greeting. Was my tallest cousin behind us? I'll never know until he tells me.
My brother's fish died a couple of days ago. It was his second red beta fish from Wal*mart. The first one was a birthday gift from a Chinese girl, but one night, it jumped out of its bowl and shriveled up until my mother discovered it the next morning. This one was probably underfed because my "gifted" brother kept forgetting to feed it. I have to admit, it's kind of relieving to know we don't have any more pets.
Before that, I received yet another instant message on Facebook. How? Because I forgot to either remove or place the person on my limited profile list. Smart, epsieanniihsct... Thankfully, this one was much better than the first.
My brother's fish died a couple of days ago. It was his second red beta fish from Wal*mart. The first one was a birthday gift from a Chinese girl, but one night, it jumped out of its bowl and shriveled up until my mother discovered it the next morning. This one was probably underfed because my "gifted" brother kept forgetting to feed it. I have to admit, it's kind of relieving to know we don't have any more pets.
Before that, I received yet another instant message on Facebook. How? Because I forgot to either remove or place the person on my limited profile list. Smart, epsieanniihsct... Thankfully, this one was much better than the first.
Thursday, July 03, 2008
Versatility at Its Nerdiest?
me: haha okay awesome
Jack: yeah
me: cuz youre a guy and my mom says guys are good at math and physics
Jack: we are
me: convenient.
Jack: yes
we are also convenient
Today, my interesting mother brought that up because she had questioned me, yet again, and this time said something along the lines of "What are his accomplishments in school?" Thanks, mom. Not a weird thing to ask at all. No, not at all. Because parents who aren't Asian ask things like that all the time. But yes, it was kind of funny.
This afternoon, as I was having a nice chat with Walter, Jack successfully ran to the house, Lisa came soon after that, and then I got a little shock. Look at this:
Jack quickly memorized this person's birthday. He's 23 until November. Creepy, much?
Jack: yeah
me: cuz youre a guy and my mom says guys are good at math and physics
Jack: we are
me: convenient.
Jack: yes
we are also convenient
Today, my interesting mother brought that up because she had questioned me, yet again, and this time said something along the lines of "What are his accomplishments in school?" Thanks, mom. Not a weird thing to ask at all. No, not at all. Because parents who aren't Asian ask things like that all the time. But yes, it was kind of funny.
This afternoon, as I was having a nice chat with Walter, Jack successfully ran to the house, Lisa came soon after that, and then I got a little shock. Look at this:
Jack quickly memorized this person's birthday. He's 23 until November. Creepy, much?
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Taking Advantage of the Situation
Here's how. (I gave up italicizing quotes because it's just caused a bunch of HTML problems.)
me: i dont want to go that far
liucthrn: :<
me: not today
liucthrn: okay.... I'll steal from the clutches of Jrod
me: hes not in town
liucthrn: :3
me: heehee
liucthrn: :D Perfect
me: ;)
liucthrn: love love love
For about half an hour, I finally assigned album art to a few artists, and of course, all of my Killers songs. There's probably more than a couple hundred that still don't have artwork... Well, that's for the rest of the day. Not really.
I took two walks. One in the late morning, and one with my brother not very long ago. He found a dollar bill on the sidewalk because he was walking slightly ahead of me. Lucky boy. Speaking of luck, the Year of the Rabbit is generally considered to be lucky. Even better for him.
Today, the stalker received yet another number to be matched with an identity. The stalker decided to just try it out today. The number didn't work.
me: i have a question
is won my second or third husband?
Ryan: we are not on speaking terms anymore
Even later...
Ryan: if you see kejing tell her i am her second husband
not her third
me: i dont want to go that far
liucthrn: :<
me: not today
liucthrn: okay.... I'll steal from the clutches of Jrod
me: hes not in town
liucthrn: :3
me: heehee
liucthrn: :D Perfect
me: ;)
liucthrn: love love love
For about half an hour, I finally assigned album art to a few artists, and of course, all of my Killers songs. There's probably more than a couple hundred that still don't have artwork... Well, that's for the rest of the day. Not really.
I took two walks. One in the late morning, and one with my brother not very long ago. He found a dollar bill on the sidewalk because he was walking slightly ahead of me. Lucky boy. Speaking of luck, the Year of the Rabbit is generally considered to be lucky. Even better for him.
Today, the stalker received yet another number to be matched with an identity. The stalker decided to just try it out today. The number didn't work.
me: i have a question
is won my second or third husband?
Ryan: we are not on speaking terms anymore
Even later...
Ryan: if you see kejing tell her i am her second husband
not her third
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Why does the man get the lawn?
Ryan: men have a connection with their lawns though
when i get a house the lawn will be mine
I was biking around the neighborhood, when something stood out yet again. The signs that people use to encourage voting for certain people... well, they're never placed in the middle of any property. They're always either on the outskirts or in between two pieces of real estate. In Wisconsin, people would place these election signs in front of their homes. Here, it looks like they were placed by other people.
As for Ryan, he thinks he will be ordering his future wife around, beating her if she tells him that there are no houses without inclines honey, and that they shall live in a brown and white house. It will have 19 rooms and four stories. Everyone must wear shoes inside the house after mowing the lawn that only he can mow because he is the man of the house because shoes are great. In fact, he will hit me if I don't agree with him. The minibar will be open to everyone over 14 years of age. No one can mess up the yard, where there will be a Subway/Taco Bell-like gas station.
Yesterday, I watched Mean Girls on ABC Family. My mother walked by and said, "You're watching TV?" in a surprised way. Well, I was surprised too. I realized that Rachel McAdams, the main character in The Notebook, was in it. I had seen the movie (Mean Girls) with Katie back in Wisconsin. Weird connection.
Today, the real B (meaning better than the one from Gossip Girl), my protective friend (My mother asked if this friend was a boy or girl after said her name. Me: Giiirrrlll...) came over and we watched Memoirs of a Geisha. Her eighth movie in less than three days, and the other seven she had never seen.
Before that, it was sunny outside. Finally. I went biking, and realized that the handlebar was rotated too far counterclockwise. If my hands were the same distance in front of me, then the bike would be turning right. Not the least disappointing bike ride. Then, as I biked up the hill to my house because I finally switched gears so I could, I realized that I wanted to be outside a bit longer, so I put the bike back and walked the daily walk around the street, and back up the same hill. The shower felt great, of course.
I wonder where our math teacher lives.
when i get a house the lawn will be mine
I was biking around the neighborhood, when something stood out yet again. The signs that people use to encourage voting for certain people... well, they're never placed in the middle of any property. They're always either on the outskirts or in between two pieces of real estate. In Wisconsin, people would place these election signs in front of their homes. Here, it looks like they were placed by other people.
As for Ryan, he thinks he will be ordering his future wife around, beating her if she tells him that there are no houses without inclines honey, and that they shall live in a brown and white house. It will have 19 rooms and four stories. Everyone must wear shoes inside the house after mowing the lawn that only he can mow because he is the man of the house because shoes are great. In fact, he will hit me if I don't agree with him. The minibar will be open to everyone over 14 years of age. No one can mess up the yard, where there will be a Subway/Taco Bell-like gas station.
Yesterday, I watched Mean Girls on ABC Family. My mother walked by and said, "You're watching TV?" in a surprised way. Well, I was surprised too. I realized that Rachel McAdams, the main character in The Notebook, was in it. I had seen the movie (Mean Girls) with Katie back in Wisconsin. Weird connection.
Today, the real B (meaning better than the one from Gossip Girl), my protective friend (My mother asked if this friend was a boy or girl after said her name. Me: Giiirrrlll...) came over and we watched Memoirs of a Geisha. Her eighth movie in less than three days, and the other seven she had never seen.
Before that, it was sunny outside. Finally. I went biking, and realized that the handlebar was rotated too far counterclockwise. If my hands were the same distance in front of me, then the bike would be turning right. Not the least disappointing bike ride. Then, as I biked up the hill to my house because I finally switched gears so I could, I realized that I wanted to be outside a bit longer, so I put the bike back and walked the daily walk around the street, and back up the same hill. The shower felt great, of course.
I wonder where our math teacher lives.
Monday, June 30, 2008
I <3 LW
I get this little feeling of excitement every time I open the mailbox to find some sort of mail from Caltech. It's only happened twice so far, but they are so cool. It's obvious that some very intelligent people designed it because they make Jack and me want to walk right over to Pasadena.
My mother never ceases to surprise me when she speaks to me.
"There was a girl who liked your father but he didn't like her back because she was too ugly." [Ryan now thinks my father thinks my mother is hot. And while we're on this subject, William thinks my father is hot.]
"Well... and there's not just the emotional but the physical stuff...[Me thinking: what the heck does she expect us to do? I would be bursting out in paroxysms of laughter if we weren't having such a serious conversation.]... like in that magazine article...[One of the perks of getting TIME delivered to the house: my mother gets to learn about teenage pregnancy pacts.]"
I love my favorite sophomore. She's amazing.
My mother never ceases to surprise me when she speaks to me.
"There was a girl who liked your father but he didn't like her back because she was too ugly." [Ryan now thinks my father thinks my mother is hot. And while we're on this subject, William thinks my father is hot.]
"Well... and there's not just the emotional but the physical stuff...[Me thinking: what the heck does she expect us to do? I would be bursting out in paroxysms of laughter if we weren't having such a serious conversation.]... like in that magazine article...[One of the perks of getting TIME delivered to the house: my mother gets to learn about teenage pregnancy pacts.]"
I love my favorite sophomore. She's amazing.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Tomorrow. I'll study tomorrow.
The formatting got screwed for the entire post. It's going to take forever to fix it... So I pasted it to a Notepad document and pasted it again. I hope this works. Thank goodness, it worked wonders. How did I not think of this simple solution the past 10 stupid minutes? My mother is severely correct. I'm barely mediocre after all.
If there's ever something anyone reading this would like me to attempt to answer, just comment on any of the posts on here or The Power Bloggers, because it will be automatically emailed to me, and I will read it whenever I have access to the Gmail Inbox.
Today, I decided to begin reading Unwind. Then, I decided to finish it. The story really showed how the characters grew as they encountered some particularly interesting people and events throughout the part of their lives that were documented in the book.
And just now, Ryan: and spain won the euro cup thingy. That makes me pretty happy in a weird way even though the back of my mind is constantly reprimanding me for not having begun my Spanish packet. Though, I suppose it was a pity that Germany was defeated because some of this have some sort of weird patriotism towards Jack's ancestor's homeland.
There are enough productive things out that I could be doing. But no, no, no. Sometimes I just pause and think, Dear J, I wonder what you're doing right now, or what you're thinking, and basically I can't stalk you in any way, and oh my that sounded a little creepy, but how are you doing?
I used to really like the rain all the time. It was so great when it poured down everywhere, whether I was outside or not. Even the time when my parents and I went swimming at someone's apartment and then it began pouring so we ran the 15 minute's walk home.
You're not the only one who can't spell.
me: sometimes i dont like the rain
Ryan: me neither
me: i always liked it in the past
Ryan: i didnt
it ruined our football games
nobody else would play
we still played
one christmas it was raining so much and so cold you couldnt see a couple of yards in front of you
but my cousin and i still through the football
of course we couldnt play well without at least another person
and i now have 130 neopets avatars in 3 days
me: you mean threw?
Ryan: no
that is how we spell it around here
me: hahahaha
Ryan: ...
Jack, Ryan and I think so similarly on countless occasions.
Ryan: we are
i am copying you
i made dumplings earlier
Last week, I found out how much I can love it when it stops raining. Which thankfully, happens a bunch down here because it never takes long for the most menacing weather to walk away.
If there's ever something anyone reading this would like me to attempt to answer, just comment on any of the posts on here or The Power Bloggers, because it will be automatically emailed to me, and I will read it whenever I have access to the Gmail Inbox.
Today, I decided to begin reading Unwind. Then, I decided to finish it. The story really showed how the characters grew as they encountered some particularly interesting people and events throughout the part of their lives that were documented in the book.
And just now, Ryan: and spain won the euro cup thingy. That makes me pretty happy in a weird way even though the back of my mind is constantly reprimanding me for not having begun my Spanish packet. Though, I suppose it was a pity that Germany was defeated because some of this have some sort of weird patriotism towards Jack's ancestor's homeland.
There are enough productive things out that I could be doing. But no, no, no. Sometimes I just pause and think, Dear J, I wonder what you're doing right now, or what you're thinking, and basically I can't stalk you in any way, and oh my that sounded a little creepy, but how are you doing?
I used to really like the rain all the time. It was so great when it poured down everywhere, whether I was outside or not. Even the time when my parents and I went swimming at someone's apartment and then it began pouring so we ran the 15 minute's walk home.
You're not the only one who can't spell.
me: sometimes i dont like the rain
Ryan: me neither
me: i always liked it in the past
Ryan: i didnt
it ruined our football games
nobody else would play
we still played
one christmas it was raining so much and so cold you couldnt see a couple of yards in front of you
but my cousin and i still through the football
of course we couldnt play well without at least another person
and i now have 130 neopets avatars in 3 days
me: you mean threw?
Ryan: no
that is how we spell it around here
me: hahahaha
Ryan: ...
Jack, Ryan and I think so similarly on countless occasions.
Ryan: we are
i am copying you
i made dumplings earlier
Last week, I found out how much I can love it when it stops raining. Which thankfully, happens a bunch down here because it never takes long for the most menacing weather to walk away.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
One third of summer is already over?
Today, I was glancing through the shelf near the table in my room, when I noticed a small white envelope that was sticking out by about two centimeters. I extracted it, and read on the front: Always low prices. There was an enormous smiley face, covering almost the entire front. Then, looking inside, I discovered a Target gift card. Next to this envelope was a larger one with a card with shoes on it. Opening that, I discovered a Wal*Mart gift card. Previously, I thought I knew about everything in my room. Imagine my surprise at my complete negligence of these two envelopes. The simple explanation: last year, when I invited a small group of friends for an it's-almost-school-so-let's-have-fun-because-it-happens-to-be-almost-my-birthday-too party (there wasn't actually a name for it), someone decided to tell most of them that it was a birthday party, so they er, brought presents. So, this morning, I felt 30 dollars richer from not doing anything. Thank you, Chanyang, and Joseph who drew the Wal*Mart logo. :)
I think one of the worst feelings can come from trying to do something I can't do. For example, while stretching today, though I may not be counted as stiff, I wasn't as flexible as I could have been. Later in the evening, I tried to juggle- something I have never been able to do, and gave up quickly the few times it was attempted in the past. Failure again.
I finished Octavian Nothing, and am not going to type the whole title here because it takes longer than it takes to type this sentence. Well, not really. The book was highly disappointing, but the author generally did a good job. I mean, considering the topic and vapid series of events, it wasn't the worst it could be.
One of my mother's best friends called her today. During the phone conversation, I was driving my family home. My mother said I was (translated from Chinese) "just average" and "mediocre", and then changed the subject to my brother who got into the Gifted program (as if I had failed it because he got a higher score, even though it is easier when the person is younger). Um. Thanks a lot. Makes me feel great...
Someone liked me about four years ago. Recently, a girl told her mother, who told my mother: "____ is depressed because his "girlfriend" -insert my name here- is gone." I don't know what to think about that. I haven't made any contact with him for a long time, and do not feel urged to do so any time soon. I just feel sort of bad for him now.
I think one of the worst feelings can come from trying to do something I can't do. For example, while stretching today, though I may not be counted as stiff, I wasn't as flexible as I could have been. Later in the evening, I tried to juggle- something I have never been able to do, and gave up quickly the few times it was attempted in the past. Failure again.
I finished Octavian Nothing, and am not going to type the whole title here because it takes longer than it takes to type this sentence. Well, not really. The book was highly disappointing, but the author generally did a good job. I mean, considering the topic and vapid series of events, it wasn't the worst it could be.
One of my mother's best friends called her today. During the phone conversation, I was driving my family home. My mother said I was (translated from Chinese) "just average" and "mediocre", and then changed the subject to my brother who got into the Gifted program (as if I had failed it because he got a higher score, even though it is easier when the person is younger). Um. Thanks a lot. Makes me feel great...
Someone liked me about four years ago. Recently, a girl told her mother, who told my mother: "____ is depressed because his "girlfriend" -insert my name here- is gone." I don't know what to think about that. I haven't made any contact with him for a long time, and do not feel urged to do so any time soon. I just feel sort of bad for him now.
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