Yesterday night, I walked down the small hill to the fireworks. My mother found me, and greeted runiteking1's father. So I realized that I had not only said "hi" to Eric, but I had also seen runiteking1's brother and said "shu1 shu1 hao3" to his father, who sped past us to catch up with Eric, who is practically my neighbor. Runiteking1's father said "da4 de zai4 hou4 mian4" to my mother after their short greeting. Was my tallest cousin behind us? I'll never know until he tells me.
My brother's fish died a couple of days ago. It was his second red beta fish from Wal*mart. The first one was a birthday gift from a Chinese girl, but one night, it jumped out of its bowl and shriveled up until my mother discovered it the next morning. This one was probably underfed because my "gifted" brother kept forgetting to feed it. I have to admit, it's kind of relieving to know we don't have any more pets.
Before that, I received yet another instant message on Facebook. How? Because I forgot to either remove or place the person on my limited profile list. Smart, epsieanniihsct... Thankfully, this one was much better than the first.
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