Sunday, June 29, 2008

Tomorrow. I'll study tomorrow.

The formatting got screwed for the entire post. It's going to take forever to fix it... So I pasted it to a Notepad document and pasted it again. I hope this works. Thank goodness, it worked wonders. How did I not think of this simple solution the past 10 stupid minutes? My mother is severely correct. I'm barely mediocre after all.
If there's ever something anyone reading this would like me to attempt to answer, just comment on any of the posts on here or The Power Bloggers, because it will be automatically emailed to me, and I will read it whenever I have access to the Gmail Inbox.
Today, I decided to begin reading Unwind. Then, I decided to finish it. The story really showed how the characters grew as they encountered some particularly interesting people and events throughout the part of their lives that were documented in the book.
And just now, Ryan: and spain won the euro cup thingy. That makes me pretty happy in a weird way even though the back of my mind is constantly reprimanding me for not having begun my Spanish packet. Though, I suppose it was a pity that Germany was defeated because some of this have some sort of weird patriotism towards Jack's ancestor's homeland.
There are enough productive things out that I could be doing. But no, no, no. Sometimes I just pause and think, Dear J, I wonder what you're doing right now, or what you're thinking, and basically I can't stalk you in any way, and oh my that sounded a little creepy, but how are you doing?
I used to really like the rain all the time. It was so great when it poured down everywhere, whether I was outside or not. Even the time when my parents and I went swimming at someone's apartment and then it began pouring so we ran the 15 minute's walk home.
You're not the only one who can't spell.
me: sometimes i dont like the rain
Ryan: me neither
me: i always liked it in the past
Ryan: i didnt
it ruined our football games
nobody else would play
we still played
one christmas it was raining so much and so cold you couldnt see a couple of yards in front of you
but my cousin and i still through the football
of course we couldnt play well without at least another person
and i now have 130 neopets avatars in 3 days
me: you mean threw?
Ryan: no

that is how we spell it around here
me: hahahaha
Ryan: ...
Jack, Ryan and I think so similarly on countless occasions.
Ryan: we are
i am copying you
i made dumplings earlier
Last week, I found out how much I can love it when it stops raining. Which thankfully, happens a bunch down here because it never takes long for the most menacing weather to walk away.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ok, cool... i just added lots of new emo backgrounds on my blog