Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Let's Stretch the Time in our Favourite Places

12 more hours until we travel sluggishly through the night into the Pacific Time Zone, I think. It's hard to believe we're meeting at the flag post at school in less than that. Yesterday, I realized that I hadn't eaten in 21 hours. No, I wasn't feeling fat. Goodness gracious, I am thankful for being generally psychologically stable. This trip could not come at a better time. I need to get away, be around some of my best friends, and think about math for a while. Make sure my mind isn't focused too much on the frustration that my father could think of me in such a terrible way. Laugh endlessly with my favorite sibling and various substantially tennis-obsessive logarithm lovers.
There are so many things next year that I don't look forward to, such as standardized testing and ridiculous homework loads. Really, I can't wait for junior year to end [successfully, I hope], and probably wouldn't mind June of 2009 dragging out forever.
Time for some food, probably. (Okay, or cut raw meat for dinner.)

Everybody Else - In Memoriam
Found at

Took a sip from a bottle of orange soda
Suddenly you were back
On my bike years ago
While sharing the camera
You passed by, so quickly

I remember you
So remember me
As I was back then
In my ripped blue jeans
Moments ago
It seems to me
That we were just kids
In a memory

I still see the blue, sunken barge
Down by the shore and I
Can taste the blackberry juice on our fingers
But there’s an echo of careless, callow footsteps
That run by so quickly

I remember you
So remember me
As I was back then
In my ripped blue jeans
Moments ago
It seems to me
That we were just kids in a memory
In a memory

It feels good to forget how wonderful it was
In the noise of a crowd
But sometimes cars in the night
Sound like the ocean and
Then I swear
I'm back there
Seems so real
It disappears

I remember you
So remember me
As I was back then
In my ripped blue jeans
Moments ago
It seems to me that we were just kids in a memory
Moments ago
It seems to me
That we were just kids
In a memory
Moments ago
It seems to me
That we were just kids in a memory
In a memory
In a memory

me: wow i'm slow its raining intensely
runiteking1: no its
its not raining......
me: yes it is
runiteking1: ?
me: its definitely raining heavily right now
runiteking1: outside?
me: yes
runiteking1: no
me: no, in the office. = =
yes it is
runiteking1: no its not....
its nice and sunny out my backyeard
me: its raining

I was right. I'm not imagining things.

1 comment:

Blondie said...

it was raining at my house too..i kinda missed it raining though, but it rained at my house.