Monday, July 21, 2008

And that should be Just Fine.

As you may have already concluded from blogs such as those of runiteking1's Blogger or paces_place's Xanga, we certainly learned a bunch in California. The thing is, almost none of it was actually about math.
My surprise? The three awards ceremony played good music as the award winners were announced on PowerPoint slides. Ryan had many moments of shock when he immediately realized that many of these songs were commonly played on his iPod.
Today, I woke up about two hours later than the usual weekday morning of the 2008 summer. Coming back around 4am didn't exactly help us get over the jet lag. I feel mildly proud of completing the day's work of Spanish, but then you sort of realize all I did was write a nine-sentence long letter to my grandmother about my cousin getting into college in China. This is more Spanish than I have done in one sitting for two months.
I met a someone who had graduated from her high school this year one afternoon, after someone taught someone else to say to me, "you have beautiful eyes" in Chinese. Anyway, she and the guy who said it had both taken AP Spanish Language. The guy got a 3, but he claimed not to speak any Spanish. The girl was practically fluent, and had gone to Spain. She got a 5, and was pretty much amazing. She and her friend explained that many of their good friends were Hispanic, so they could often practice and learn the language. Fascinated as I was, you have probably heard enough of it, though you may unfortunately believe that Latin is better.
These people were only two or three years older than me, but they had completed high school and could now look towards the future at their Ivy League universities. I thought they were very nice people.
Ryan, if that man had been a terrorist, then I would have strangled him from behind. Just sayin'.
When this summer ends, I think I'll be ready.

1 comment:

Blondie said...

i dont think latin is better! i think the foreign language i'm taking is better! Francais est awesome!