Sunday, July 27, 2008

Always You in My Big Dreams

I thought I had one more awful Spanish assignment left. Then, I realized there were two, and the one I hadn't noticed was really more like two. Yeah, what a nice little surprise.
I, I, I, I, I... That happens a lot on this blog. And I (yes, again) would like to tell you that these posts aren't meant to be selfish. I say "I" so much because this blog is about me because it has taken the place of a physical journal.
Today, I found out that "Konstantine" by Something Corporate is about the singer, who got drunk, cheated on his girlfriend, and the kindness she showed towards him by allowing him to come back to her.
I have used SpanishDICT so much that I added it to my toolbar bookmarks for easier access.
Geometry this afternoon! Excited? Hellz yeah.

1 comment:

Blondie said...

hah. you're excited about doing geometry...