Friday, December 15, 2006

end of the bible-apocalypse-armaggedon-the end of the world

According to my mom, my dad is "very satisfied" with my PSAT score. I think it's a miracle, hence the title of this post.
My selection index was exactly 200. According to a random person my mom knows, I can't qualify for the NMSQT because I'm not a U.S. citizen. Diana can, though. *hint hint: double meaning*
Other people should read this. Maybe I'll bribe Jack with food so he'll read it. Then, more people would.
Another reason the world is ending: Diana annoyed me today. But I became immune when I realized how stupid she sounded. She now needs to find other ways (not that they exist outside of my mind) to annoy me. Hehe.

I am starting World History next week.
I haven't been called up to Guidance yet. I'm a bit worried. The normal school days have ended and there is no word yet. When I get back from winter break, I better be assigned into Orchestra or else.
I found the most wonderful Latin dictionary online. I found it by clicking on a link that said that this would have more words and it was better and basically, "If you're stupid you're not going to click on it so CLICK ON IT already." Unfortunately, I don't know any Latin grammar so I can't really use it. I forgot the few rules I learned last year. I stopped teaching myself Latin because I was tired of memorizing things that would not affect my grade.


Mei said...

YAY KEJING!! i'm happy for you =D =D!

Anonymous said...

I can't deny one meaning, but I deny the other.
Nego omnia.
cong2 qian2 you2 ge4 shan1, shan1 li3 you2 ge4 dong4, dong4 li3 you2 ge4 miao4, miao4 li3 you2 ge4 lao3 he4 shang4 he4 ge4 xiao3 he4 shang4 zai4 jiang3 gu4 shi4. Lao3 he4 shang4 shuo1...
Anyone else reading this must think I am out of my mind.