Sunday, October 01, 2006


To Rzuee: I feel extremely sympathetic for you, and could not send any sympathetic emails to you during your lonely times, because no one actually told me about those lonely times, so PLEASE forgive me! I never intended to make you feel bad! I am hoping that sending sympathy to you by announcing it on the world wide web will help you feel better!
And yes, that's how you spell the school's name. It's not too hard. Well, yeah, it's longer than YOUR school's name, but only by.. let's see... two letters?

Well, I guess Bio is torture on opposite sides of the country! And I seem to be the only one without it... Well, I can't say "I know how you feel", but on the bright side for you guys, at least you can get it over with by the end of next spring unless you're one of the genii taking AP Bio next!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

bio sucks. i can't wait for chem! it's so much more fun than bio.