Sunday, October 29, 2006


I completely forgot to go on the internet all weekend. It really isn't like me.

Today was the TSYO concert, and at around 5:00pm, we all walked into Opperman Music Hall and played "Arioso" and "Tumbleweed". And I got to be the concertmaster! YAY! Except it really wasn't that great. Phil is the 2nd to worst (3rd to best) orchestra, and it's really easy to do well. Plus, at my age, I should be in Symphony. Oops.
I wore my mom's black shoes because mine are about the same size. Meaning I had gigantic shoes either way, and I used my mom's because they were nicer and more comfortable. They kept falling off as I walked... I'm still thankful it didn't happen on stage! After we played our pieces and walked out, my standpartner told me that everyone in the 1st violin section was really off during "Tumbleweed". I never notice those things at concerts. In fact, I don't really notice anything around me when I play at concerts, which isn't the greatest idea since I kind of have to look at the conductor.

This Saturday, I'm auditioning for Chamber(3rd worst/2nd best TSYO)! I'm SO excited about it, because I really want to get in!
This Friday is my gifted screening/test, and I really want to get into Gifted, too!
I'm going to develop about fifty canker sores if I keep stressing about everything. (And that's something, because I don't think I've ever gotton one.)
TWO big "tests" in one week really isn't good for me.

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