Tuesday, October 31, 2006

la vispera de los santos

I have an 11% range in my grades... It's funny how bad that sounds.
Ironically, it's because I have a 108 and 1/3% in math thanks to the 10% extra credit on one of our latest tests. Unfortunately, the 100's lower it... Oh well.
Today in science, we got back our Chapter 6 tests. The teacher told us that we could correct them and get partial credit because everyone flunked it so badly(except in nicer words!) and that she normally doesn't do stuff like that. Later, I heard her (yeah, I was eavesdropping) talking to one of the girls, saying she couldn't curve our grades because someone got an 101%. Hehehe... I felt kind of bad. For once, my grade affected other people. However, if I'd gotten a 99%, no one's grades would've gone up very much. So, It would probably have been better for everyone if I'd flunked it.

Milky Way Midnight's are nice. They include two of my favorite foods- dark chocolate and marshmallows.

The cookie dough sale for MAO started and I feel bad about that, too. I can't really sell any. I mean, I CAN, but I'm too lazy. And busy. I still have to balance piano, violin, and math. Math has pretty much disappeared from the list of what I do every day outside of school.

Someone told me that a group of kids plan to drive around tonight and throw water balloons at the little kids. I hope they don't hit my brother... *makes extra grenades* I won't be there, though. *teaches brother how to throw grenades*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm considering keeping count of how many times you use the word "grenade" on your blog.