Tuesday, October 31, 2006


To Diana: Does "grenades" count? Or are you just counting "grenade"? I would think you'd count both, right?

THANKS EVERYONE FOR READING MY BLOG! I know I've said this way too much, but I really do feel special when it happens. Except not everyone reads my blog. I really should be more clear when I write/type.

Uh... Sorry Jack. But I really don't care if it's "University of Florida" or "Florida University"or even "Gator-fil-a". I personally like "Gator-fil-a", though. There. That's my new name for the university. I'm going to use it tomorrow if the opportunity arrives. Badgers rule.

Not that Jack reads this.

Today, someone said that table tennis was retarded. I glared at him. During that very angered moment, I also wished I had a grenade to throw at him. I'm not kidding. Of course, the whole 1-second day dream was hypothetical. Right now, I can just imagine someone reading this and going, "Suuuuure."

The Beginner's Programming for Dummies book or whatever it's called has arrived at the Northeast Branch!!! I plan to get it on Saturday.
Wow... the cursor just randomly moved northeast for over five seconds, and I couldn't gain control over it! I was typing before that, and my hand wasn't touching the touchpad. La vispera de los santos causes odd things to happen.


Anonymous said...

ur not talking to me XD XD. anyway PING PONG IS NOT NOT NOT RETARDED!!! grrrrrrrrr you should've thrown a grenade at him XD.

comp programing is love ^^

Anonymous said...

I would count both. You've used "grenade"/"grenades" 3 times on this entry.

Anonymous said...

Actually, you used both those words 4 times. I forgot to count the title.