Monday, March 31, 2008

Mr. Blue Sky

Logan: lol
7:42 PM oh ur definitely part of the kejing baby watch drama now
Logan Stafman
dammit....we were just singing Mr. Blue Sky, not having sex
question: is this too cheezy for my essay for FAMAT board?
7:43 PM I believe that my desire to work hard for the club that I have grown to love over the years along with my...
me: thanks logan
blairwult: logan confirmed ur rendezvous
7:44 PM Logan: anu time
any time*
me: so i there was mild sarcasm in "thanks logan"
Logan: woah, au contraire, I did not
read what I said
me: haha nice start
you? love? go together well. jk
oh wait i shouldnt be talking
Logan: no, that's not the start
that's near the end actually
me: start to your essay, dude
7:45 PM me: he did not.
blairwult: he did too
me: Logan: woah, au contraire, I did not
Logan: lol
me: me: have you HEARD mr blue sky?
jerrod had it on repeat for like half a day once
blairwult: no
me: it's the most innocent thing ever
okay the video those two did during fcat week that was uploaded
that was mr blue sky (the song in the background)
blairwult: hahah well then its the perfect song to play if u want calming sex [wink]
me: well they certainly didnt have sex in calc

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