Thursday, September 06, 2007

He was definitely there (and stoned).

My WONDERFUL friends have recently gotten very paranoid and have decided that the school prez stares at me because he "likes me". Jack is very happy about this because that means one of his "boyfriends" will have been taken away. Today, he was at the SNHS meeting and he looked kinda stoned...
Joseph, Katelyn and Anna are playing Canon in D, and the piano part isn't good until about the end besides the fact that it starts alone.
My permit card thing came in the mail yesterday!
I'm really bored. I have nothing interesting to say and ____ talking to me is NOT like "day and night". Unfortunately, he DID notice me. O.O
In Pre-Calc, I told Ryan that his head was good where it was because it blocked the 900 building balcony (allusion to Romeo and Juliet) so he lowered his head very far. Jack is now in love with Chris Kessling, who is in three of my classes and sits in front of Jack in Pre-Calc. Typing of Pre-Calc, we are probably getting our tests back tomorrow. She said she graded the first page for everyone and no one got a 100%. This was very disappointing. I still have an 85.7% in English and she only uploads our grades every two weeks. If I do perfectly until 9/18 (interim reports), I SHOULD have an A but you never know. Thankfully, I don't think we're individually presenting our projects tomorrow, but there will be a "gallery" sort of showing. There is a test in Spanish, quiz in Euro and test in Stat tomorrow. All in a row starting in first period. I am going to be very, very nervous.

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