Monday, September 17, 2007


Today at 7:24pm, I finished all my homework (that's due tomorrow). Unfortunately, there's an AP Stat quiz and Pre-Calc test tomorrow. I keep making stupid mistakes in both classes on the homework, so my chances of flunking are not too slim. We had our first Pre-Calc practice today after school in Ms. Underwood's room. I guess her name's going to change since she's getting married. Or did she? I have no idea anymore. Today on the way to our Bio, I saw our MAO Prez with ice and she looked like she'd just been knocked out... Hope she's okay... And of course, we have 50 IDs to do for Euro and a Chem test this Friday. I absolutely have to do well on it since I'm at a 90.1% right now. Interestingly, I got an 82% on a Spanish quiz so my grade went up since I did even more poorly on the last quiz. It makes me feel really stupid because the material wasn't difficult but I wasn't careful. A's shouldn't be difficult to obtain this year, but I can't help expecting myself to slip up a few more times and ruin the whole thing.
I dropped off the hamburger buns that I had to bring to Tekesta Park for Anchor today, and another girl also brought some and she was going to leave because she had an SGA meeting. I just left to do homework at home. Tomorrow's the mandatory induction ceremony in the auditorium. That should be interesting. I should probably do a lot of homework today, even though it isn't due. And of course, I SHOULD look over the Pre-Calc and Stat textbooks so I can do well tomorrow. This makes me really nervous.

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