Tuesday, May 01, 2007

To my loyal reader: Susan

Hi Susan! As you can see, at your request, I am yet again dedicating a post to you because you are awesome.
I really miss you!!! *sob*
Maybe, one day, I will learn to drive, and obtain enough of my parents' trusts so they'll let me drive over to the best state in the country and I will definitely visit you. I still remember how to get to your house!
HELLO WISCONSIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lol- When I moved here and introduced myself (everyone had to) in science class, this girl was immediately reminded of "That 70s Show" so she deemed Wisconsin awesome. On every other occasion and that one too, I guess, people have been like, isn't that where they make cheese? = ="
I still feel very special that you continue to read my blog!
-Your co-writer of The Legend of Zelda: The Toilet Princess

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG!!! yay! the first post in May is about me! i just hope that martel doesn't read this...remember? lol. does anyone else read this?