Sunday, May 20, 2007

Now Blogger saves your post automatically!

I'm not as worried any more.
I don't know how often it saves, though.

It's time to pack and potentially relax for the summer. I don't know how easily relaxing will be, but I can always try.

It just saved. How wonderful.
"Draft autosaved at 2:07 PM"
I like this.

This isn't a very well-known song, but "Whatsername" by Green Day is pretty awesome.

Facebook has proven to be very addicting these days.

"Draft autosaved at 2:08 PM"

So it saves every minute? That would be nice.

Yesterday I realized how much I want to leave high school so I can forget Florida sooner. But Caltech would never accept me... or MIT. LOL. My dreams are too big.

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