Monday, February 05, 2007

OWC Regional this Saturday- Team 1 is not ready

Click on this.
It is a picture of me, your omnipotent CEO, "South Park"-version, which I have never watched... I forgot the website where I created it... :EDIT: It's here.
I am so deprived. I haven't even touched a Wii yet.

OWC... I think I could've gotten a lot of MAO in my brain if I didn't spend my time elsewhere... Ugh I don't even know if that's one word. -checks in dictionary- Okay, it is.

Oh yeah! GUESS WHAT? I'm judging an art contest on an online forum in which the leader and another person have already labeled me "him" and "he" and I never disclosed my gender........... Wow..... Well, it IS a video game forum. But still. I find that interesting.


Anonymous said...

When are we ever ready?

Anonymous said...

About the Wii comment: the Latin teacher is making people bring their Wiis to the State Forum so I'll get to touch one soon... if you consider April to be soon.
Your "uncle" says he's already played a Wii 3 times.