Wednesday, February 07, 2007


I had to email my teacher my notes, but I didn't put it as an attachment because of my slow internet, so I just put it in the email, and she printed off my notes from her email and made copies for the whole class because the entire class uses each other's notes, and now, MY ENTIRE SCIENCE CLASS KNOWS MY EMAIL ADDRESS!!!! X.X
So this picture would be fitting not only for a casual night stroll, but for a casual day at home in front of the computer.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
I decided to just put the picture on here. I don't know why I didn't before, when I had a link that said "Click here".
I just got two emails. One reply was "so did my parents" and the other one was "not really". And that's it. Wow. How descriptive. Jack wrote them. He says that Garfield is his role model because of this comic:

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