Saturday, January 20, 2007

wow my right arm feels normal

Today, I thought we weren't going to go play tennis, but then, my VP called me saying that Diana wouldn't answer her cell phone so I called her a few hundred times. She wouldn't answer, so I told my VP that sorry- I couldn't get through to her. Then, I called her again and she PICKED UP THE PHONE! but she was too busy with the history fair... And THEN, she called our VP to say that she couldn't go, but then the VP called me to ask, are YOU at least going? So I asked my parents and then I called him back saying I was going but we weren't leaving right away and then he said "as long as you're going", which was interesting... Later, the MVC of 2006 didn't want to be called a grandmother by the VP so he decided that he was a grandfather. The VP asked me, who is the grandmother? And I said, "I wouldn't know!". The MVC of 2006 said, "There doesn't need to be a grandmother." Yeah. It was scary. The VP gave me a few tips, so PARtially thanks to him, my arm isn't tight from playing. Yay! :) I actually hit the ball more today. I was so proud. I want to get a lot better, but the next Saturday late afternoon I'm free is 2/3/07 and the next time Diana's also free is 2/17/07.
I still haven't done the oral assessment for history... I'm probably going to do more later assignments and then submit them after the oral assessment since you aren't allowed to submit assignments out of order.
I memorized my Poetry Out Loud poem, but it's a bit dodgy since I don't know it perfectly. I should practice more. I should be ready in time for Monday, though! I'm terrible at public speaking.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
