Thursday, January 11, 2007

I'm hungry!!!!!

I told Diana that I'd write a really long post here about something but I completely forgot what it was. Oops. My [brain] lobes aren't functioning correctly.
So... Two days until we all get up before 5:30am to go to Buchholz High School and get creamed, obliterated, assassinated, destroyed, discontinued... (except two thirds of the golf club- Diana's too tiny to count).
I asked June what kind of grenade he wanted us to use to blow him up. He paused for about two seconds and said, "Do you have a nuke?"
I'll have to check.
When we did some team practice today, the only way we started was when I told the golf club people that I had started the timer (on my watch). We didn't finish a single problem. We completely gave up on the 2nd problem before we'd even started. Diana's the team captain, but the problem is, the other two golf people don't listen to her very much. And Par spent a large portion of the time saying that people who are Athiests are bad. Then, Birdie got into a little speech about how he believes in reincarnation simply because he doesn't want to die and rot in the ground. I should've given the choice of cremation... See how slow I am?


Anonymous said...

Golf club?
Actually, two-thirds of a person is going to diiiiiee tomorrow.
I'm such a bad captain.
Today William said that he thinks Ryan is the "loser" (as in fourth place person) on the team. Can you believe that? He gave Ryan my position.

Anonymous said...

I just read your long email and realized that Jack knows the word "ambidextrous."