Wednesday, November 01, 2006

happy-ish thoughts

I typed this on the other laptop(which is the only other computer possible) with Notepad, so I'm going to type really quickly so there's going to be more mistakes than usual unless I happen to be very weird and accurate today.

List of happy things I can say about my life
1. I'm not dead. ut if I were, I wouldn't e able to say this. So it really isn't that special. But it's happy! In a morbid way...
2. Two people read my blog.
3. I have more than enough basic neccesities to keep me alive.
4. My brother isn't big enough to beat me up.
5. My school has AP classes. Yay...
6. I'm getting enough wireless signal to load
7. I have friends.
8. I have nice school supplies.
9. I'm Asian AND Chinese.
10. I have a piano and violin.
11. I'm hopefully going to get that programming book from the library- finally!
12. The bus comes early every morning now. Except I get home later. But it still gets to school early. Too early.
13. I'm still not dead.

Oh, look- another depressing post. The point of the whole list was to find myself happy things to say in posts, emails, chats, etc., but obviously, it didn't work too well.
The gifted test and orchestra auditions quickly being closer to the present really isn't helping.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Optimism is rarely the answer. At least that's my point of view.
You'll do great on the gifted test and orchestral auditions!