Friday, November 17, 2006


I signed up for FLVS, and I'm going to take World History Honors in January 2007 if there's an opening, which there probably will be since no one takes World History online.
There is a left-hand-side link area just like many other websites in this world.
I was extremely bored, and highlighted it. To my amazement and schizophrenia, there were white letters (meaning you can't see it unless you type it) right under the rest of the words. It was "fvcvsa01". I don't know what this means or who put it there. All I know is that I'm NOT schizo.
I didn't talk to a brick pole that had "feelings" today. *cough* Diana *cough*

Chick-fil-A, a fast-food place is very popular here. You may remember it from the cows who carry around signs saying, "Eat Chikin." Well, since FSU and UF are rivals and the University of Florida (or FU, whatever it happens to be) has gators for the mascot, yesterday, I used my Avery address labels with Microsoft Publisher to make "Gator-fil-A" stickers. I was so proud. I even made the words garnet and added a goldenrod border to them. But the Badgers are still the best no matter what anyone says. However, you must remember that China rules all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL. I told you I'm mentally unstable.
It's UF. I'm glad you made those stickers. Sticking them on Jack's back was fun!
China definitely rules all.