Saturday, June 21, 2008

Oh, Just Some Quotes

I have edited the quotes for conventions so they are easier to read. I probably missed some, though.

Jack about Ryan: Maybe he had to mow the lawn.

Ryan: I noticed on my glasses it says 5-12. It's screaming at me: finish me! Finish me! 13. Well it's not every day your facial accessories have two numbers of them which both stand for number lengths of the two legs of a right triangle as Pythagorean triples unfinished.

David to me: Can I please have your help? I have a debate tomorrow, and I have to debate how communism is better than capitalism. Lol wish me luck? I'll be defending your communist ideals. I bet you have a copy of the Communist Manifesto under your pillow. The color Red is like a god to you.

Blair to Jack: Your facial structure looks good with blondes, so maybe Won and David will dye their hair for you.

Jack: I should find out what a scale is.

Lacey: No problem... I just wish it would actually work but it's the NSA... They're probably hard to trick.

Jack: Why not? Sounds like something terrible happened. You not stalking people. What happened???????

Jack: Lately, I've considered becoming a hermit when I get older. It doesn't sound like a bad idea. I'll get to be alone and do walk in circles. Being alone more would be a great idea. But it's impossible with school, so I'll wait until I'm older to become a full-time hermit. So much fun and being alone. I might want to be a tennis-playing hermit if possible. But that would involve people, which wouldn't make me a hermit. It would eliminate the greatest advantage of being a hermit............ no people. Which would be really great.

Chan: I think he's speaking French.
Tucker: You're Asian! Stop humiliating yourself!

Jack: At tennis after the match, June pulled out his phone and called someone. I asked if the person was his girlfriend and he made it plural. Then June gave the phone to me and it was Joseph on the phone.

Ryan: There will always be a category about me in my heart.

Ryan: I wanna keep the pony.

Katelyn: Guys are paying attention to you, you don't like it?


Jack: foofoo foofoo foofoo foofoo

Jack: I need to throw my chair quietly.

William: Jack is pretty hot.

Joseph: Jack, can I borrow your shorts?
Jack: I'll go get them.

Katelyn regarding Jack: He should totally have guys and not guys! He'd be happier that way! :D

Anna: Not being racist or anything, but evil Asians!

Katelyn: Who else... is cute...

Katelyn: I think my mom's losing it.

Anna: Yes! Oh really!

Jack: I was taking a shower when you called.

Chanyang: Who else did you invite?


Joseph: jkjkjkjkjkjkjkjk

Jack: Then stop being mad. It's not happening right now, so you should enjoy your stalkerness. I never thought I would say that.

Jack: No, I don't want a hug. I was agreeing about the list of people you're inviting.
Katelyn: Are you sure about that?
Jack: I'm sure I don't want a hug.
Katelyn: Positive?
Jack: I'm sure I don't want a hug
Katelyn: So you do want a hug?
Jack: No, I don't.
Katelyn: Yes, you do.

Kreacher: ...Miss Bella's and Miss Cissy's pictures, my Mistress's gloves...

Diana about Yige: Well, as long as it's all physical.

Ms. Knoll regarding Chinese communists: What are some other religions you could believe in?

Ryan: <3 you all, Ryan.

William: Kejing is stupid. Life is stupid. Kejing is life. Everyone has life. Everyone has Kejing. Therefore, Kejing sounds like a slut.
Diana: I thought I ex-raised you better.
Kejing: X-raised? Like chi squared?
William: Kejing is X^2. Therefore, Kejing varies with the degrees of freedom. But Kejing is communist. Therefore, she has no degrees of freedom.
Jerrod: And the bigger the population, the more normal you get.

Marshall: Oh! You do conserve air when you're kissing! Everyone let's kiss
-Victor comes over-
Marshall: NONONO!
Mrs. Traylor: You had your chance, Marshall!

Jack: We are encouraged to violate asymptotes in Precalc. There is a lot that we are encouraged to violate.
Kejing: There are a lot of things that Jason Waldman encourages us to violate.

William: I must admit, your dad is quite attractive for an older Asian man.
Ryan: How about that Kejing's brother?

-Jonathan trips-
Phil: He's a HUG student.

Kejing: Why do you have to graph the end behavior (this time)?
Mj: Yes.

Mj: Now, how do we find this angle?
Kejing: Guess and check.

Mrs. Traylor: You need to have a traditional [Chinese] wedding. It'd be fun!

Kejing whispers: It approaches e. Shhhh...
Brianna very loudly: HEY, DOESN'T THIS APPROACH e?
Mj to Brianna: You just ruined it.

Yige: I smell like Kejing every night.

Mrs. Ewart: You go on your double dates... and you do NOT come back with the same dates.

Kejing in deep concentration regarding Euro: The thing is, if I get the DBQ, I'll make myself do it before Monday.
Chanyang: Don't think about it! Think about brother-in-law!

William: You look like a perverted white man who turned into a sexy Asian girl.

Spanish intern: If there's a problem... if you guys sound like a bunch of Chinese people trying to speak English...
Kejing: I'm Chinese.

Sonal: I still want Logan in the jacuzzi with me.

Wililam: Kejing, I'm trying to tell Sonal that "lunch" does start with an L but she doesn't believe me.

Ryan: Does everything have to match?
Kejing: YES...
Ryan: Jerrod's white.

Kejing: Coach Sherry likes airplanes.
William: Do you have his phone number too?

Erica in shock: Is Jack flirting?

Kejing: Why do the guys keep taking off their clothes?
Ryan: Because you're watching.

William: No. Her dad's mine.

Kejing: Don't touch my legs.
Ryan: I will. -reaches down-

Mj: If you think you're a man at math, then do 42.
Evan: Kejing, I need the paper back. I need to find out if I'm a man.

William: Your mother has good taste in men; she married your dad.

Marshall: Kejing get on Gmail chat. I need to ask you a few questions about biology.
Others: O.O
Marshall: No, REAL biol-puts hands on face-

Logan right after 5th period: Kejing, help me with my test.
Kejing: Okay!
Logan points: This is the only one I don't know how to do.
Mj: Hey! Get away from him, he's taking a test!

Ryan during the Euro exam: Please, Cameron, don't have a disorder for just a few minutes so I can concentrate.

Jack finally gets off the phone and turns to Kejing with a smile: It was your mom.

Jonathan: How was Euro?
Kejing: Awful, but at least it wasn't HUG.
Jonathan: Aww, really? Ehh go to Hell.

Mj regarding polars: I promise, once you get it, it's like, ah HAH!
Kejing: Ah HAH!
Jack: Ah HAH!
Mj: Who's mocking me?
Caroline: Kejing.
Kejing: And Jack.

Mj: Oh, this looks terrible. It's like a Jack-circle.

On the board: x^2 + y^2 = 2x + 3y
Ryan: Parabola.

Ryan: Dumbledore is not gay.
Chanyang: Yes he is. That's why he died.

Chanyang: And then I have camp.
Kejing: What camp?
Chanyang: Bible camp. Wanna go?
Kejing: No.
Chanyang: Lots of hot Korean guys.

Ryan: ...I don't remember...

Mj to Holly: Do you want his phone number? I can get his phone number. I have it. Do you want his phone number?
Kejing: Isn't it _ _ _-_ _ _ _?
Jonathan: Shhh.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Just Do It.

Ryan: make sure to tell me before its 530
Kejing: why?
and thats 530am
do you mean 1730?
Kejing: twss
Ryan: 1730
Kejing: twss
Ryan: -.-.

I had to quiz my brother on music theory today. He seemed to know most of the vocabulary on the first page, but had difficulty with the second, so I sent him back to review. But then again, some of the vocabulary on the second page had some really odd definitions. As I listed terms (a tempo, cut time (alla breve), dominant...), he replied with his best possible answer, and I couldn't help thinking: one day, he isn't going to be "cute" anymore, unless he has the family's good looks. I'm kidding.
My brother has a red beta fish. I was washing something in the sink, when I looked at the bowl that was pretty much right in front of me. He or she wasn't actually moving. A piece of food was about four millimeters away from its mouth. Not weird at all.
I don't want Mexico, Canada, and Somalia.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Hot Peppers

My brother: Oh, hot peppers? In Wisconsin, I was the only one who ate them so I'm used to them now.
My father: When I grew hot peppers, you weren't born yet.

It's true. The movie yesterday was pretty darn awful. June only covered a small portion, so that we wouldn't all suddenly censor Blogger, of the atrocities that we were forced to undertake because of Chanyang's beautifully marvelous taste in movies.

Time to drive.

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Found on Wiki as Usual

"...a virtuoso was, originally, a highly accomplished musician, but by the nineteenth century the term had become restricted to performers, both vocal and instrumental, whose technical accomplishments were so pronounced as to dazzle the public."
My piano teacher gave me the task of finding my own pieces in preparation for a competition in about a year. I might not actually do the competition, but the task is kind of difficult. I keep finding these amazingly virtuosic pieces. Or, some really easy ones that I don't even bother listening to on YouTube. So I don't know, I don't know how to find one or two pieces that are not classified by the MTNA to be "R," for "romantic." It's freakishly difficult to find things without knowing about them at all beforehand.

Friday, June 06, 2008

47 Days 02 Hours

Runiteking1's brother has provided some amusement recently. My brother seems so boring. This week, he has had camp in the mornings, as he during two other weeks throughout the summer.
My brother: Today we had a talent show... I had a talent.
My father and me: ?
My brother: I can speak Chinese.
The sad part was that he was serious, and he never actually speaks Chinese anymore. His speech has become very Americanized. And his rare Chinese is covered in an American accent. Awful, no?

My other brother is pretty funny too.
Jack: except marshall wasn't there
that's what did when i saw that marshall wasn't there
[I told him it was my new Facebook quote.]
Jack: it isn't funny
do you laugh at pain?
my emotional pain?
Jack: if you put that on, you're a bad person
me: i put it on.

Two days ago, an idea popped into my mind. Something small and not very spectacular that seemed like a good thing to do. Well, it was finished yesterday, with a small bit of tweaking today. The only issue is that now that I finished, there is nothing else to do in its stead.

"Dark Blue" by Jack's Mannequin:

I have edited this post many times today. Another thing to add: Not too long ago, I was cordially invited to The Power Bloggers. Friday is my day.

Ryan: thats why kejing has to go to college with me to amke me food
or i will have to eat grass for nourishment
William Dunn: the soup might need about a half tablespoon of clam juice to balance out the potatoes
me: aww ryan
Ryan: im not kidding either :'(

Thursday, June 05, 2008


There's nothing weird in the video; they just chose a really awkward place to put the still image before you click on the triangle to play it. Thanks a lot to Won, who seems to know a lot of depressing Korean videos and movies.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Monday, June 02, 2008

And I'll forget you, at least I'll try.

It's nice. Having an unopened, hardcover book that smells so new. Hopefully, it's going to quite an adventure, even if it lasts less than 48 hours. 24, if you're lucky and it's really good. ...wanting to flip through the four hundred or so pages. I prefer hardcover books for some reason. The only small issue is worrying over the paper cover's condition after holding it for so long. It's sitting on the table, waiting for you to to be absorbed into a fictional world. But there's two, and I don't know which one to read first. I showed them to my mother, who said they were beautiful relative to the price. The translation into English didn't work very well.
Reading used to my biggest hobby. And then, I went on to do better things such as violin and homework and dropping violin, doing more homework, playing more piano, and practically dropping piano... Things like that. I haven't read a book for the fun of it in about a year now, or so it seems. If I have, I don't remember. I feel so illiterate.
And while I continue to ramble about myself, well I guess I can do that because this is my blog, but anyway, I've never wanted a car so badly.
::EDIT:: Well, that's what I get for not paying much attention to the day's post: countless grammatical errors.::END EDIT::