I really shouldn't have gone, but I really thought I was getting better. We stood outside some doors for a while. By the way, I feel really dizzy and might stop making sense which I probably don't already. Dehydration. Possibly. Won and I were high-fiving each other, and after a little while, I reached my hand back and accidentally whacked Gaku in the face. During team round, I was basically captain and ripper for team 2. Blair, Caroline and Ariane were really supportive. They didn't really do much but it was all good. Actually, we (or I) scored a few times. I don't know how I survived through it. We ended up getting an honorable mention. According to Diana that means we would've placed but school's teams can only place once... So too bad. Dude, I'm such a beast at team. Individual was really bad because I started feeling even worse. Diana gave me some pills before the test began, but they didn't really do anything. The test. Gosh, it was horrifying. The highest score ended up being a 70-something. It's pretty certain that the number of points I scored on the team round was higher than my indie score. My "BFF" (Brianna) and I sat on the grass in the sun for a little bit, and then I sort of walked around within a small area as people scored their tests. At lunch, we ran across a really busy and fast-paced street twice. The awards ceremony was exactly like last year, but I think last year some sort of hydraulic problem happened and they had to get another coach... (I feel really out of it right now.) On the bus we made paper airplanes. A lot of them. By the end of the trip my fever was getting really bad again. I must have gone to bed before 7pm or something. Woke up with a fever, I'm wondering how choppy my sentences can get today, and took a shower which felt a little better but not really, and right now I think the fever went away but I feel really really really dizzy or something. Maybe I'm just that dehydrated.
Gina told me, "I love you!" so I said "I love you more!" and she said "I love you more!" and the funny thing is, she ended up saying "I LOVE YOU MORE! See? I said it louder than you. Oh, don't say it back! Your throat hurts." It was hilarious.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Friday, February 08, 2008
Oh double, you see.
Tomorrow is the OWC Regional. My mother tried to convince me to stay at home, but I'm getting better, so hopefully I'll be at the front of the school at 5:15am, courtesy of my father's insane talent for getting up early when he feels like it. Actually, he rarely stays up past about 7am.
Today, I found out about JETS, and from Logan through Jerrod, found out that I'm on Team 2! So the world is ending and what not, but I'm really excited about the opportunity. 2010 represent! (Brandon, Logan, Jerrod, Jinoo, Calvin, Nelson, Tom) Hopefully I don't get kicked off before next Saturday. It basically made my day.
I've been trying to cram some MAO into my head during the past few hours, with absolutely no idea how effective it has been. My throat hurts a lot today, but it's slowly getting better. The fever, thank goodness gracious, has abandoned me. I've never wanted to get up at 5:15am so badly.
I guess I'm captain of Pre-Calc Team 2. I'm so excited. Gonna have to fix that.
Today, I found out about JETS, and from Logan through Jerrod, found out that I'm on Team 2! So the world is ending and what not, but I'm really excited about the opportunity. 2010 represent! (Brandon, Logan, Jerrod, Jinoo, Calvin, Nelson, Tom) Hopefully I don't get kicked off before next Saturday. It basically made my day.
I've been trying to cram some MAO into my head during the past few hours, with absolutely no idea how effective it has been. My throat hurts a lot today, but it's slowly getting better. The fever, thank goodness gracious, has abandoned me. I've never wanted to get up at 5:15am so badly.
I guess I'm captain of Pre-Calc Team 2. I'm so excited. Gonna have to fix that.
Sunday, February 03, 2008
Go... whoever.
Apparently, the Super Bowl is tonight. I'm still not over being bitter towards the Giants for beating the Packers in really cold weather. However, I can't go rooting for the "Patriots."
Yesterday, I wrote about seven MS Word pages worth of notes, severely breaking the rule of 10-15 important bullet facts per source. I still don't have my last source, which should come in the form of a physical book, but hopefully the crate that Mrs. Winsett said she'd get will come before Wednesday. Nothing is due on Monday, so it's going to take some sort of incentive to start doing a lot of this work.
One of my not-so-new favorite activities is defeating opponents in ping-pong by slamming it down in a sort of spike so they have no chance.
After reading this, I feel like they were talking about my family. http://www.theonion.com/content/news/cia_america_may_have_an_unknown
I need to go biking some time soon.
Yesterday, I wrote about seven MS Word pages worth of notes, severely breaking the rule of 10-15 important bullet facts per source. I still don't have my last source, which should come in the form of a physical book, but hopefully the crate that Mrs. Winsett said she'd get will come before Wednesday. Nothing is due on Monday, so it's going to take some sort of incentive to start doing a lot of this work.
One of my not-so-new favorite activities is defeating opponents in ping-pong by slamming it down in a sort of spike so they have no chance.
After reading this, I feel like they were talking about my family. http://www.theonion.com/content/news/cia_america_may_have_an_unknown
I need to go biking some time soon.
Saturday, February 02, 2008
Today was the JCL regional at Leon High School. So all of the cool non-Latin kids didn't go, like me. I pretty much sat and did homework all day, and occasionally played some piano and my forearms felt ripped after doing so.
Interims were moved a few weeks earlier so they wouldn't intervene with FCAT Writing, or something ridiculous like that. Walking into Chem every school day, all I can really think about is, "Oh yeah, I'm going to be doing this next year, too." That is, I'm going to be walking into that classroom next year.
Ketan and I have been slightly bitter lately. In addition to Ryan and perhaps a few other people, we wanted to join JCL but the sponsors said that we couldn't join because we weren't taking Latin. It might be traitorous to want to join the club, but it sounded like such a good idea at the beginning of the school year. Of course, Ketan has an ulterior motive, which can be translated into "distracting Vicky and himself throughout the competition so they both fail." Actually, that is precisely what they managed to do at the Lee County Invitational.
My brother is going to be in the Howard Wilson piano competition next Saturday when the MAO people are at Okaloosa Walton College for the MAO regional. It would be nice to know who's on the Pre-Calc teams at this point, but apparently we bombed the last one so badly that Freed is at lost with what to do to us.
My life is sprinkled happily with entirely Spanish conversations. Es beatitud.
Interims were moved a few weeks earlier so they wouldn't intervene with FCAT Writing, or something ridiculous like that. Walking into Chem every school day, all I can really think about is, "Oh yeah, I'm going to be doing this next year, too." That is, I'm going to be walking into that classroom next year.
Ketan and I have been slightly bitter lately. In addition to Ryan and perhaps a few other people, we wanted to join JCL but the sponsors said that we couldn't join because we weren't taking Latin. It might be traitorous to want to join the club, but it sounded like such a good idea at the beginning of the school year. Of course, Ketan has an ulterior motive, which can be translated into "distracting Vicky and himself throughout the competition so they both fail." Actually, that is precisely what they managed to do at the Lee County Invitational.
My brother is going to be in the Howard Wilson piano competition next Saturday when the MAO people are at Okaloosa Walton College for the MAO regional. It would be nice to know who's on the Pre-Calc teams at this point, but apparently we bombed the last one so badly that Freed is at lost with what to do to us.
My life is sprinkled happily with entirely Spanish conversations. Es beatitud.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Remember these?
Jack and the Hug Monsters
Hwritten by Hwilliam Dunn, Spelling corrections and typing by the CEO
Jack heard a knock at the back door, so he hwent to the front door and opened it. Nobody hwas there! Then Jack looked at the story about him and realized that the knock came from… the BACK door! This hwas indeed a very strange phenomenon, because Jack lived in a shack hwith only a front door. Consequently, Jack hwent to Kejing’s house and realized that the knock hwas coming from her back door. Jack asked Kejing, “I hwonder hwho that could be?” Kejing said, “I don’t know.”
Jack hwalked to the back door of her house. He opened the door, and outside hwere a thousand angry girls picketing the house! They hwere carrying signs such as, “Hugs not Drugs,” and “Hugs for Jack!” Before he noticed anything, the lead girl pounced on him and gave him a great big hug. Now, as everyone knows, hugs are Jack’s hworst fear (besides starvation). Luckily, there hwere so many girls to hug him and hold him down that Kejing had time to get her camera and take several pictures. Hwhile Jack hwas busy, she also called Ryan, Hwilliam, June, Diana, and Brendan to come and hwatch. Diana brought a diamond-encrusted solid platinum digital video camera so they could record the entire thing and put it on YouTube.
Jack managed to break free and run, but the mob of girls hwas hot on his trail. The ever-present video recorders got in Diana’s private jet limousine to follow him. Jack ran as fast as he could all the hway to PARis, France to get away from the savage hug monsters. He climbed the Eiffel Tower hwith hopes that his pursuers hwoudn’t look up. However they did and Jack hwas forced to slide down their giant hwhite flag to escape. Jack kept running until he got all the hway around the hworld again, pursued relentlessly by the demons of hugland and the Gator-fil-A entourage hwith a video camera. Hwhen they got home, the private jet limo landed and June got out. All the girls’ June-senses immediately turned on, and they pounced upon him. Jack thought, “Man, oh man I just got my bacon saved… bacon!?” Our good hugophobe had forgotten lunch in his fear! To redeem himself and improve his karma, Jack had to eat 10 meals for each day the rest of the hweek instead of the usual eight. In the meantime, Kejing, Hwilliam, and Ryan locked June and his um… followers in a nice dark room; Brendan left to go spike his hair, and Diana left to go find Eagle. Hwhat now?
Ryan and the Communists
Hwritten by Hwilliam the Dunn, EIA
Typed and edited by your omnipotent CEO
One day, Ryan hwas rocking out to Hollaback Girl in his room hwhen all of a sudden, his Communist Alert siren started flashing. Ryan knew his duty. He changed into his secret agent tux and s-hwitched his TV to Channel 007. The CIA director came on. "Special Agent Par, hwe need your help. Hwe have recently gained information that two Communist spies are actively scheming and plotting against America in your locality. Find them and arrest them, and disarm their nuclear hweapons. Here are their pictures." Pictures of Diana and Kejing flashed on the screen. Ryan thought, "I know them. This should be easy!" So he jumped into his $24 Ferrari (on lease from Diana) and drove over to get Jack and Hwilliam to join him in the fight against the Commies. Special Agent Par drove to Kejing's house, and then planted American flags all over. Kejing knew she hwas being attacked, so she packed up her grenades and got into her stalker helicopter and flew to-hwards Wisconsinland. She landed, but Agent Par hwas hot on her trail. Par invited her to dinner to discuss and negotiate. However, at the meal Kejing ate some crepes, and Ryan forced her to surrender. After she had surrendered, Ryan rocketed in his #24 Ferrari back to Tallahassee to overtake Diana. This time, he needed Jack's help. To break into Diana's house, he dressed Jack up as a 1,000,000 dollar bill and dropped him on the ground. Immediately, Diana ran out, picked him up, and ran back inside. Hwonce inside, Jack ate the security system so Ryan and Hwilliam could get in. They carried a lot of American flags to establish their dominance. Also, Ryan brought a trick dollar bill to attract Diana's attention. They three ran to the elevator to climb g floors up to Diana's penthouse. Once insdie, they made all of her Frenchmen surrender and then hwere face to face hwith Half Pint herself. Ryan gave her the trick dollar bill. As soon as she had it in her hand, the dollar bill unfolded into a hwhite flag and she surrendered. Victory America!
Hwritten by Hwilliam Dunn, Spelling corrections and typing by the CEO
Jack heard a knock at the back door, so he hwent to the front door and opened it. Nobody hwas there! Then Jack looked at the story about him and realized that the knock came from… the BACK door! This hwas indeed a very strange phenomenon, because Jack lived in a shack hwith only a front door. Consequently, Jack hwent to Kejing’s house and realized that the knock hwas coming from her back door. Jack asked Kejing, “I hwonder hwho that could be?” Kejing said, “I don’t know.”
Jack hwalked to the back door of her house. He opened the door, and outside hwere a thousand angry girls picketing the house! They hwere carrying signs such as, “Hugs not Drugs,” and “Hugs for Jack!” Before he noticed anything, the lead girl pounced on him and gave him a great big hug. Now, as everyone knows, hugs are Jack’s hworst fear (besides starvation). Luckily, there hwere so many girls to hug him and hold him down that Kejing had time to get her camera and take several pictures. Hwhile Jack hwas busy, she also called Ryan, Hwilliam, June, Diana, and Brendan to come and hwatch. Diana brought a diamond-encrusted solid platinum digital video camera so they could record the entire thing and put it on YouTube.
Jack managed to break free and run, but the mob of girls hwas hot on his trail. The ever-present video recorders got in Diana’s private jet limousine to follow him. Jack ran as fast as he could all the hway to PARis, France to get away from the savage hug monsters. He climbed the Eiffel Tower hwith hopes that his pursuers hwoudn’t look up. However they did and Jack hwas forced to slide down their giant hwhite flag to escape. Jack kept running until he got all the hway around the hworld again, pursued relentlessly by the demons of hugland and the Gator-fil-A entourage hwith a video camera. Hwhen they got home, the private jet limo landed and June got out. All the girls’ June-senses immediately turned on, and they pounced upon him. Jack thought, “Man, oh man I just got my bacon saved… bacon!?” Our good hugophobe had forgotten lunch in his fear! To redeem himself and improve his karma, Jack had to eat 10 meals for each day the rest of the hweek instead of the usual eight. In the meantime, Kejing, Hwilliam, and Ryan locked June and his um… followers in a nice dark room; Brendan left to go spike his hair, and Diana left to go find Eagle. Hwhat now?
Ryan and the Communists
Hwritten by Hwilliam the Dunn, EIA
Typed and edited by your omnipotent CEO
One day, Ryan hwas rocking out to Hollaback Girl in his room hwhen all of a sudden, his Communist Alert siren started flashing. Ryan knew his duty. He changed into his secret agent tux and s-hwitched his TV to Channel 007. The CIA director came on. "Special Agent Par, hwe need your help. Hwe have recently gained information that two Communist spies are actively scheming and plotting against America in your locality. Find them and arrest them, and disarm their nuclear hweapons. Here are their pictures." Pictures of Diana and Kejing flashed on the screen. Ryan thought, "I know them. This should be easy!" So he jumped into his $24 Ferrari (on lease from Diana) and drove over to get Jack and Hwilliam to join him in the fight against the Commies. Special Agent Par drove to Kejing's house, and then planted American flags all over. Kejing knew she hwas being attacked, so she packed up her grenades and got into her stalker helicopter and flew to-hwards Wisconsinland. She landed, but Agent Par hwas hot on her trail. Par invited her to dinner to discuss and negotiate. However, at the meal Kejing ate some crepes, and Ryan forced her to surrender. After she had surrendered, Ryan rocketed in his #24 Ferrari back to Tallahassee to overtake Diana. This time, he needed Jack's help. To break into Diana's house, he dressed Jack up as a 1,000,000 dollar bill and dropped him on the ground. Immediately, Diana ran out, picked him up, and ran back inside. Hwonce inside, Jack ate the security system so Ryan and Hwilliam could get in. They carried a lot of American flags to establish their dominance. Also, Ryan brought a trick dollar bill to attract Diana's attention. They three ran to the elevator to climb g floors up to Diana's penthouse. Once insdie, they made all of her Frenchmen surrender and then hwere face to face hwith Half Pint herself. Ryan gave her the trick dollar bill. As soon as she had it in her hand, the dollar bill unfolded into a hwhite flag and she surrendered. Victory America!
Monday, January 28, 2008
I know, right?
Wearing oneself away.
Ready to do that again and again? How many rounds are you going to need?
How many ya got?
Oh, a few.
-pulls out a handful-
You do actually have a lot, don't you?
I'll take one.
Make that three.
Or, now that I continue to ponder it... Give me the whole bag.
Ready to do that again and again? How many rounds are you going to need?
How many ya got?
Oh, a few.
-pulls out a handful-
You do actually have a lot, don't you?
I'll take one.
Make that three.
Or, now that I continue to ponder it... Give me the whole bag.
Monday, January 21, 2008
I miss you.
I remember you when I was a little girl and my mother handed me a piano book with a red apple and a red border on it.
You remind me of the time when my father and I brought about twenty books from the public library, and after dinner, I read them out loud, one by one.
I was next to you when I proudly recited the last lesson in my little Chinese book.
You were so loyal when I learned how to add and borrow numbers.
Wasn't it great when I told my mom I needed a piano to play every day for her as I looked up from half her height, and got that piano the next week?
Little Chinese girls love new dresses.
Fast forward, and I hug you with intense elation as my mom answers the phone and says, "YOU WON!" I did? I did? Is it true? Did my work pay off? REALLY? Oh joy!
And then back to the practice room. I can't stop smiling at you.
Seeing a red rose in the flower vase, I turn around and there you are, chuckling in the corner.
My first factoring problem was your best.
I miss you. Really, I do.
But I don't remember how to find you again.
You remind me of the time when my father and I brought about twenty books from the public library, and after dinner, I read them out loud, one by one.
I was next to you when I proudly recited the last lesson in my little Chinese book.
You were so loyal when I learned how to add and borrow numbers.
Wasn't it great when I told my mom I needed a piano to play every day for her as I looked up from half her height, and got that piano the next week?
Little Chinese girls love new dresses.
Fast forward, and I hug you with intense elation as my mom answers the phone and says, "YOU WON!" I did? I did? Is it true? Did my work pay off? REALLY? Oh joy!
And then back to the practice room. I can't stop smiling at you.
Seeing a red rose in the flower vase, I turn around and there you are, chuckling in the corner.
My first factoring problem was your best.
I miss you. Really, I do.
But I don't remember how to find you again.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Is una semana enough?
Nothing is going to make things better. Ryan told me about his new post today, and halfway through, I could feel the backs of my eyes burning hot because after a week or more, my tears were on the verge of spilling out into the open and there was so much underlying emotion in his words. Fortunately, I had my periodic table right in front of me, so I couldn't cry because it would look really bad if it were wet. Actually, it looks bad enough already.
Some things really hurt me this week, as though I was repeatedly and crudely stabbing myself in the chest.
The annual piano recital is next Sunday, but I'm going to have to call my teacher and tell her I can't go. Big deal- it's the least of my worries. Yes, I just said that about something related to the piano. Nothing, not even the one hobby your parents allow you to do, or the one fun thing they will not ban, can make you feel better after self-inflicted pain. Not the physical kind, but it's worse that way. Shouldn't we be feeling happier after this pain because of the reason why it happened? Yes, we should. But in the long run, I feel like I'm going to keep pretending everything is alright until I go jump off a cliff or something. If I were braver, then that's what I would need right now. A nice, dangerous precipice.
Some things really hurt me this week, as though I was repeatedly and crudely stabbing myself in the chest.
The annual piano recital is next Sunday, but I'm going to have to call my teacher and tell her I can't go. Big deal- it's the least of my worries. Yes, I just said that about something related to the piano. Nothing, not even the one hobby your parents allow you to do, or the one fun thing they will not ban, can make you feel better after self-inflicted pain. Not the physical kind, but it's worse that way. Shouldn't we be feeling happier after this pain because of the reason why it happened? Yes, we should. But in the long run, I feel like I'm going to keep pretending everything is alright until I go jump off a cliff or something. If I were braver, then that's what I would need right now. A nice, dangerous precipice.
When You Were Young
You sit there in your heartache
Waiting on some beautiful boy to
To save you from your old ways
You play forgiveness
Watch him now, here he come
He doesn’t look a thing like Jesus
But he talks like a gentleman
Like you imagined when you were young
Can we climb this mountain I don’t know
Higher now than ever before I
Know we can make it if we take it slow
Let’s take it easy, easy now, watch it go
We’re burning down the highway skyline
On the back of a hurricane that started turning
When you were young
When you were young
And sometimes you close your eyes
And see the place where you used to live
When you were young
They say the devils water it ain’t so sweet
You don’t have to drink right now
But you can dip your feet
Every once in a little while
You sit there in your heartache
Waiting on some beautiful boy to
To save you from your old ways
You play forgiveness
Watch him now, here he come
He doesn’t look a thing like Jesus
But he talks like a gentleman
Like you imagined when you were young
(Talks like a gentleman
Like you imagined when) when you were young
I said he doesn’t look a thing like Jesus
He doesn’t look a thing like Jesus
But more than you’ll ever know
Smile Like You Mean It
Save some face, you know you've only got one
Change your ways while you're young
Boy, one day you'll be a man
Oh girl, he'll help you understand
Smile like you mean it
Smile like you mean it
Looking back at sunsets on the Eastside
We lost track of the time
Dreams aren't what they used to be
Some things sat by so carelessly
Smile like you mean it
Smile like you mean it
And someone is calling my name
From the back of the restaurant
And someone is playing a game
In the house that I grew up in
And someone will drive her around
Down the same streets that I did
On the same streets that I did
Smile like you mean it
Smile like you mean it
Smile like you mean it
Smile like you mean it
Oh no, oh no no no
Oh no, oh no no no
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