Monday, September 10, 2007

Skipping Euro Note-Taking Time for This

Today was such a weird day.
In Spanish, the church people moved our desks into normal rows rather than angled weird rows. In Euro, Chanyang said "Aww.. he got a haircut" and Omar decided to comment it loudly. We had to take notes from a very boring PPT that is way too large to download and save but I did it anyways. In Stat, I found out how worried Diana is about her English grade, and felt miserable for her until I reached Chem, where we didn't do anything new. Significant digits are really boring. Lunch came really quickly, and Bio was boring as usual. We have a large Chemistry quiz in Bio tomorrow, and I'm probably not ready but I'm typing this and minimally taking notes on Florence. Pre-Calculus began with Mrs. Johnson reminding us that we all failed, and we got our tests back. I felt really stupid for getting a 101.5% (she rounded down to 101 on OASIS), but people did really badly and William got a 95 or something, so I felt VERY, VERY lucky. English was not very eventful. We didn't get our summer reading test essays back, nor any other grades because some people hadn't taken the test yet. Once, she left our essays at church choir practice. O.O

Sunday, September 09, 2007

They said Ryan with Catherine's head band looks like Federer.

I think Federer's nose is too big and Ryan's hair too light for them to look like each other. Yeah, I finally went on Google Images and looked because I forgot what he looked like. Federer, I mean. I firmly believe I know what Ryan (slightly) looks like from being in about five classes with him every day at school. And lunch. I see what they meant about the head band, though. Except Catherine had a very light pink thin-for-a-head-band-head band.
I got myself into Jazz Band, and I'm really happy about it, but the music is soooo hard to read! Not because it's hard.. but the notes are TINY! And not even normal-shaped. As in nice and round and NORMAL and it's so messy and argh.
And Bruni sucks because he was the first to write a modern history book. Which led to more history books and our Euro book that very bipolarly has short and long sections. We have to take notes on the long sections during the weekday which makes it worse unless we want to get ahead, but who is so bored that they would want to take extra Euro notes? And we have 50 ID words.

Friday, September 07, 2007

The Lowest One by Far

I have a 91% in Spanish right now because I got a 69% on a culture/geography quiz. Hah. Hah. Hah... If my previous Spanish teachers knew this, they'd probably die or something worse.
This is actually really funny: I had to put the birthday balloons that Joseph sent me via the Balloon Express in Mrs. Priddy (last year's Spanish teacher) room so I could take it home the next day when I wasn't going home on the bus but with my dad so we could go to the tax collector's building to get my permit. The next day when I went back to get the balloons, Mrs. Priddy said that a lot of her students told her "Happy Birthday" since the mylar had that on it and that she told all of them that they were my balloons. I don't know who, but some people said that I'm very nice or something. Anyways, yesterday (or was it the day before?) I found out that a certain person has her 4th period AP Spanish class. = =" Chanyang and I laughed very hard. Or well, Chanyang laughed very hard.
Chanyang ALSO laughs very hard during the morning announcements in AP Euro. Ryan just smiles.
I think it's funny how I'm doing poorly in my 1st and 7th periods and my AP classes have the highest grades.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

He was definitely there (and stoned).

My WONDERFUL friends have recently gotten very paranoid and have decided that the school prez stares at me because he "likes me". Jack is very happy about this because that means one of his "boyfriends" will have been taken away. Today, he was at the SNHS meeting and he looked kinda stoned...
Joseph, Katelyn and Anna are playing Canon in D, and the piano part isn't good until about the end besides the fact that it starts alone.
My permit card thing came in the mail yesterday!
I'm really bored. I have nothing interesting to say and ____ talking to me is NOT like "day and night". Unfortunately, he DID notice me. O.O
In Pre-Calc, I told Ryan that his head was good where it was because it blocked the 900 building balcony (allusion to Romeo and Juliet) so he lowered his head very far. Jack is now in love with Chris Kessling, who is in three of my classes and sits in front of Jack in Pre-Calc. Typing of Pre-Calc, we are probably getting our tests back tomorrow. She said she graded the first page for everyone and no one got a 100%. This was very disappointing. I still have an 85.7% in English and she only uploads our grades every two weeks. If I do perfectly until 9/18 (interim reports), I SHOULD have an A but you never know. Thankfully, I don't think we're individually presenting our projects tomorrow, but there will be a "gallery" sort of showing. There is a test in Spanish, quiz in Euro and test in Stat tomorrow. All in a row starting in first period. I am going to be very, very nervous.

Monday, September 03, 2007

Day Three

After lunch, my dad sat in the car as we made circles at Meadow Ridge and Preservation again. Then, my parents and brother and I left the house to go to Home Depot. My dad stopped in Walgreens and I took over from there until that place across from Suntrust. I parked (where there weren't cars) correctly, which was very lucky. Then, as we drove home, my dad went into the BAM! parking lot. I drove home from there and on Bannerman for the second time since yesterday. Driving 50mph on Bannerman is awesome. Jack finished his Drug/Alcohol Course today!!! He still has to patiently wait for his certificate, though. I wish my mom drove to work in the smaller car... Then, I could scare Lisa every morning. I'm so excited!
I'm not so excited about my grades, though...

Sunday, September 02, 2007

El segundo dia cuando conduzco.

This very late morning around 1:30pmish, my father let me drive on Ronds Pointe, Preservation, Conservancy, Summerbrooke Drive, and Meadow Ridge. He backed out of our driveway for me, though. We probably went around and around for about an hour. Later today in the 3pmish time frame, my brother was being very feverish so my mom and I went to Publix to buy ice cream and other food-related objects. She drove outside Chiles but instead of going to the parking lot, I got on the car, turned to Thomasville, changed to the right lane successfully-ish. I looked in the mirrors but turned too quickly- there were double white lines for a while until I could turn to the right lane. Bannerman was a little scary because it was so narrow, but it was okay. I'm so glad my mom isn't scared of me driving. My dad didn't want me to go on Bannerman today. He said I was too wobbly. I can't wait to drive to school every day, but it will be in the van so I probably can't for a while. My dad's work place is farther away so he takes the smaller car.
Katelyn's having party but Jack, Chanyang and I have academic issues... cough cough Euro test Tuesday cough cough.

::EDIT:: Went driving in Summerbrooke and Ox Bottom again.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

From Chiles to Deerlake

My mom took me to the CHS parking lot, and amazingly, the gates were open! I went in circles for a long time. Later, I went onto Lawton Chiles Lane, passed the Broken Egg Cafe, and ended up passing Golden Eagle west. I later passed DMS and went past Journey's End and Winter's Run, where I finally met a dead end. On the way back, I stopped by the side of the road so my mom could get the car back. She got really scared when she realized that I was driving about 35mph even though previously, she'd told me to do that. I was too much of a novice to go on Bannerman, and she taught me how to add oil to the car by paying with a credit card. And just so you law-obsessed people know, it wasn't actually DARK when I was driving before my mom drove again. The sun had not set until after she started driving.
The only thing I "crashed" into was the curb when my mom was making me park at CHS and I didn't know she wanted me to so I kept going forward because she was talking to me and it was really distracting. Yay!!!!!

Today, Appalachian State beat Michigan State 34-32. Jack, Ryan and I pretty much love Appalachian State now. It wasn't even a Division I team or something, so this was awesome! And WI obviously beat WSU.

Friday, August 31, 2007

While everyone was at the football game...

I couldn't go because I had a piano lesson at 8:15pm. It rained a lot, but I'm sure it was very, very fun. On the way home, right after we'd left the teacher's house, it wasn't really raining. There was a straight part of the road, and in the DARK, my mom let me drive for the first time and I didn't actually have my temporary permit(piece of paper used before they mail you the card) with me. The car lurched quite a bit because I didn't know how easily it would move. 0.0
Chanyang called me around 9:30pm and I answered her back at about 10:00pm when I arrived at home. She was calling from a restaurant place where a lot of CHS band people were, and I asked her if I knew anyone else there. It just so happened that the student body president, John Moran was there, and he scares me ridiculously. Today during Pre-Calc (6th period), I could see the 900 building balcony and I got very scared because someone could be spying on us. Ryan and Jack didn't help. Later, while waiting for the bus, Joseph kept pointing and indicating locations behind me and saying "Who's there? It's John Moran!"

Thursday, August 30, 2007

This is Not Meant to Scare You

I know where you live. I know where you sleep. I know with whom you sleep. I know why you sleep with them. I know where they live. I know where they sleep. I know they sleep with you. I know why they sleep with you. I know where you live...

I GOT INTO JAZZ BAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2007-2008 Chiles Jazz Ensemble
I'm not typing all of it, though.
William's 1st trumpet!
I'm excited! I'm excited! I'm excited!

Diana convinced Ryan and me to join JCL. I think he's doing History. I might draw something? I don't know... I would like to contribute to the club, though. Hopefully, this year will be more fun than last year.

I haven't started my homework yet.