___ was the first person who brought it up in a conversation with me. Mr. ___ seems to take his hands and put them on your shoulder like he's about to massage you when he comes up behind you to speak with you. But today, he only used one hand, and held it in the back on my neck. I thought I was about to be strangled, but at least four guys were in front of me, so if he were to try to murder me, I'd like to think that at least ONE of them (EIA, David, VP, MVC, Matt, Par was not too far away) would've helped me. But they're all smaller than him... And half of those people are shorter than me... Lol... Poor EIA. He is about my height because his blonde curls are poofy-ish. Anyways, it was weird. I asked the MVC if he ever did that to him and he said no, so it must be a girl thing? But I could've sworn he HAS done it to a guy... Well, it's still weird. Must be an odd teacher-habit thing.
By the end of MAO practice, Par confessed to David that he watches "Talledega Nights" (I probably didn't spell that correctly...) once per month, and that he usually doesn't see movies. He got suprised and stuff when David said that he's never seen it.
Aaaahh.. Windows Media Player is on, and right now, it's playing Ballade in G Minor, Op. 23 No. 1 and it's making me really depressed. I remember the first time I heard it... it was in WI... And when Maia came over not too long before I moved away, I played it for her over and over and over and over and over... Until I was afraid that she'd gotten tired of it. It wasn't that many times, but still. That's why I never listen to it on purpose these days. It's that bad.
Tomorrow is the review game in math because the big test is on Wednesday, and I'm going to miss it so I won't be able to help Blair and Jack pwn the rest of the class. And there's no independent study group to be rivals with us... Too bad. No extra credit for me.
::EDIT:: I agree hwith Dianna. Independent study groups get pwnd too easily because they don't even know hwhat holes are. Darhwin.
Monday, March 12, 2007
Sunday, March 11, 2007
I've written over a hundred reports this year... They are so boring... Aaaaahhh... Well.. maybe not a hundred... But I'll have about a hundred by the end of the school year. This has mainly been caused by history. That's all I ever seem to do these days. Reports... 24 more assignments until the second semester exam for that class. That's the equivalent of over six weeks. Six terrible weeks...
I had to do a current event article today. It was really difficult to find a suitable article, which worried me quite a bit. Then, I did a basketball report. I miss yesterday so much!
I had to do a current event article today. It was really difficult to find a suitable article, which worried me quite a bit. Then, I did a basketball report. I miss yesterday so much!
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Capital City Mu Alpha Theta Regional
This is an abbreviated version of my day:
My dad woke me up at about 7:19am because he said, we have to pick ___ up! I was ready to go at around 7:45am, but we were supposed to wait for ___ to come to our house, and my mom called ___'s mom and she didn't come, so my dad went ahead and took me to CHS.
At CHS, I loaded the big thing of Nestle waterbottles and carried them all the way to the 900 building. Thankfully, Mr. F was there and he showed me the way to Mrs. B's office where I laid them down. In that room was a PILE of food and to the side were the trophies, PARtially unwRAPped. He told me to come out quickly before I'd even gone inside.
Next, someone talked to him on the walkie-talkie and I had to take the OMK (outside master key) to open the office doors for the random Lincoln/Cobb adults. The correct key had "OMK" inscribed on it. Then, I ran to the cafeteria to give them back.
By then, it'd gotten really boring because I was there too early and there wasn't much to do. So, I stood near the front of the school for a while. Brianna was there, and at some point, Jack showed up in his black sweater because he hates his pink shirt. FINALLY, William came, too. David came next. By then, we were getting a little worried because, yet again, the two people missing were Diana and Ryan... But Diana came and went to put her donation food in Mrs. B's room. M walked around a bit randomly and away from the other DMS kids.
We filed into the auditorium where we sat, got out scantrons and pencils, and left at the correct time. Into the cafeteria we went, off to the team round. Our team... got about 20 points... CHS team 1 did a bit better.
Then, we went to the Latin room for Individual. Aftert the test, I told Ryan to grade it because 1) he was standing near me and 2) he does mental math the quickest. He told Diana to read off the correct answers that I'd written on the back of my packet. William, Jack, and I quickly ran out because we "didn't want to see" stuff.... As we arrived about 20 feet from the building at ground level, I heard Diana scream: JIANG1 KE3 JING1!!!! I said, "Oh no..." and we walked over to Diana and Ryan as they came down the stairs.
DIANA: "You got a 98!!!!"
ME: "REALLY????"
RYAN: "Yeah."
ME: "98????"
RYAN: -nod-
I don't think I actually got a 98, though, but it was something like that except a bit lower.
A few minutes later, William said, "When you do well, you're not supposed to beat me!" LOL
Jack said he got a 30...
Ryan said he got a 64 but really got a 63.
I don't remember what Diana got.
William said he got... was it 89? I don't remember.
It was finally time for lunch. My stomach had already started feeling a bit empty before Individual. The time seemed to have gone by so quickly because it was already around 1:00pm. We payed $3 for a meal (pizza, desert, chips, drink) and ate it near the tables outside the cafeteria. For the next hour or so, we walked around arbitrarily. Ryan finally came back from the restaurant where he went with his parents and sister, and I started to stand on his shadow because Jack moves around too much and Diana's shadow's obviously too small to even find. Then, Jack wouldn't give back Ryan's football. He hugged it for a very long time. At that time, a random Rickards person ran by with the pink panther with Clara and Kavita running after him. Diana and I eventually went towards the auditorium. When we finally arrived, David appeared again. Poor William had to go right after Invidual to band, so we didn't see him again for the rest of the weekend. (I am assuming that we aren't seeing him on Sunday. That would be weird.)
At the awards ceremony, there was some interesting music with the PPT presentation that Mr. G made. Accidentally, the Geometry Invidual slide was placed before the Algebra I information, so I already knew that my cousin had placed. For Algebra II, Diana was in shock for much of the time because she placed!!!!! The order went as follows: A really nice Rickards girl, two people who were probably from Rickards, ME, William (Jack went up for him), Ryan and Ellen(I think) got 7th and 8th, Diana, and someone got 10th. When we came back down, Diana, William and Ryan went up for team and got 2nd place. My team got an Honorable Mention for getting 5th (we tied with another school though :). Brianna was really, really excited because she'd hoped that'd happen when we were failing the team round.
After the awards were over, I saw the Lincoln people put their trophies in a triangular shape with the largest trophies in the middle. They were lined up at the edge of the stage and they all stood behind them to take their picture. I thought that was pretty cool. Mr. F gave a little speech on how he was happier with how we did. (CHS- 2nd place sweepstakes after Lincoln, and awesomely, in front of Rickards!) We went outside to the left side of the auditorium if you look at it from the main entrance, stood on the ramp, and had our group picture taken by Mr. F.
We didn't get to see the real list of placements like usual, but hopefully we'll see it on Monday.
When I got home, I realized how much homework I had left. Aaaaahhhhhhhhh....X.X
My dad woke me up at about 7:19am because he said, we have to pick ___ up! I was ready to go at around 7:45am, but we were supposed to wait for ___ to come to our house, and my mom called ___'s mom and she didn't come, so my dad went ahead and took me to CHS.
At CHS, I loaded the big thing of Nestle waterbottles and carried them all the way to the 900 building. Thankfully, Mr. F was there and he showed me the way to Mrs. B's office where I laid them down. In that room was a PILE of food and to the side were the trophies, PARtially unwRAPped. He told me to come out quickly before I'd even gone inside.
Next, someone talked to him on the walkie-talkie and I had to take the OMK (outside master key) to open the office doors for the random Lincoln/Cobb adults. The correct key had "OMK" inscribed on it. Then, I ran to the cafeteria to give them back.
By then, it'd gotten really boring because I was there too early and there wasn't much to do. So, I stood near the front of the school for a while. Brianna was there, and at some point, Jack showed up in his black sweater because he hates his pink shirt. FINALLY, William came, too. David came next. By then, we were getting a little worried because, yet again, the two people missing were Diana and Ryan... But Diana came and went to put her donation food in Mrs. B's room. M walked around a bit randomly and away from the other DMS kids.
We filed into the auditorium where we sat, got out scantrons and pencils, and left at the correct time. Into the cafeteria we went, off to the team round. Our team... got about 20 points... CHS team 1 did a bit better.
Then, we went to the Latin room for Individual. Aftert the test, I told Ryan to grade it because 1) he was standing near me and 2) he does mental math the quickest. He told Diana to read off the correct answers that I'd written on the back of my packet. William, Jack, and I quickly ran out because we "didn't want to see" stuff.... As we arrived about 20 feet from the building at ground level, I heard Diana scream: JIANG1 KE3 JING1!!!! I said, "Oh no..." and we walked over to Diana and Ryan as they came down the stairs.
DIANA: "You got a 98!!!!"
ME: "REALLY????"
RYAN: "Yeah."
ME: "98????"
RYAN: -nod-
I don't think I actually got a 98, though, but it was something like that except a bit lower.
A few minutes later, William said, "When you do well, you're not supposed to beat me!" LOL
Jack said he got a 30...
Ryan said he got a 64 but really got a 63.
I don't remember what Diana got.
William said he got... was it 89? I don't remember.
It was finally time for lunch. My stomach had already started feeling a bit empty before Individual. The time seemed to have gone by so quickly because it was already around 1:00pm. We payed $3 for a meal (pizza, desert, chips, drink) and ate it near the tables outside the cafeteria. For the next hour or so, we walked around arbitrarily. Ryan finally came back from the restaurant where he went with his parents and sister, and I started to stand on his shadow because Jack moves around too much and Diana's shadow's obviously too small to even find. Then, Jack wouldn't give back Ryan's football. He hugged it for a very long time. At that time, a random Rickards person ran by with the pink panther with Clara and Kavita running after him. Diana and I eventually went towards the auditorium. When we finally arrived, David appeared again. Poor William had to go right after Invidual to band, so we didn't see him again for the rest of the weekend. (I am assuming that we aren't seeing him on Sunday. That would be weird.)
At the awards ceremony, there was some interesting music with the PPT presentation that Mr. G made. Accidentally, the Geometry Invidual slide was placed before the Algebra I information, so I already knew that my cousin had placed. For Algebra II, Diana was in shock for much of the time because she placed!!!!! The order went as follows: A really nice Rickards girl, two people who were probably from Rickards, ME, William (Jack went up for him), Ryan and Ellen(I think) got 7th and 8th, Diana, and someone got 10th. When we came back down, Diana, William and Ryan went up for team and got 2nd place. My team got an Honorable Mention for getting 5th (we tied with another school though :). Brianna was really, really excited because she'd hoped that'd happen when we were failing the team round.
After the awards were over, I saw the Lincoln people put their trophies in a triangular shape with the largest trophies in the middle. They were lined up at the edge of the stage and they all stood behind them to take their picture. I thought that was pretty cool. Mr. F gave a little speech on how he was happier with how we did. (CHS- 2nd place sweepstakes after Lincoln, and awesomely, in front of Rickards!) We went outside to the left side of the auditorium if you look at it from the main entrance, stood on the ramp, and had our group picture taken by Mr. F.
We didn't get to see the real list of placements like usual, but hopefully we'll see it on Monday.
When I got home, I realized how much homework I had left. Aaaaahhhhhhhhh....X.X
Friday, March 09, 2007
It's kinda relieving.
It turns out that I didn't get an 89% after all. It was an 89/95. The teacher might have curved our grades, but I don't know. The odd thing is, I wasn't worried when I got a "B" on a HIGH SCHOOL test. Science class must be reaaaally bad. :)
I have to go do MAO for once in my life since December, so that's why this post is so short.
Good luck tomorrow, CHS!
I have to go do MAO for once in my life since December, so that's why this post is so short.
Good luck tomorrow, CHS!
Thursday, March 08, 2007
It's Thursday. It feels like a summer day in WI.
I forgot THAT???
I think I'm losing my mind.
It's funny because my MVC didn't know... Hahaha...
It's 7:38pm. Great.
I don't know what to do next.
I feel like going skiing or something.
I suppose I should take advantage to study math.
Imagine- what if every sentence here started with "I"?
It looks so weird.
Infinitely-long columns of "I"'s are new.
It really does feel like it's a summer day in Madison.
It's the feeling in the air.
I can't quite explain it.
I believe it's time to go try and work on SOMETHING.
I think I'm losing my mind.
It's funny because my MVC didn't know... Hahaha...
It's 7:38pm. Great.
I don't know what to do next.
I feel like going skiing or something.
I suppose I should take advantage to study math.
Imagine- what if every sentence here started with "I"?
It looks so weird.
Infinitely-long columns of "I"'s are new.
It really does feel like it's a summer day in Madison.
It's the feeling in the air.
I can't quite explain it.
I believe it's time to go try and work on SOMETHING.
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
This is waaay overdue, but here... the "rotunda" of the ::EDIT:: OLD (current is a small, grey, DISGUSTING skyscraper-type building that is SO UGLY.... X.X REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY hideous. I'm not posting it here...):: END EDIT FROM DIANA'S COMMENT:: state capitol building in Tallahassee, FL... The two floors in the picture are the only two floors.

Here's the inside of the dome (hideous, don't you agree?) This isn't very tall above the previous picture.:

If you want a good image of the WISCONSIN capitol building, then I would suggest following these urls below, or looking it up in Google Images. The ROTUNDA isn't the only mind-blowing part. Wisconsin definitely has the best capitol building in the country. It's dome has more volume than the one in Washington, D.C. since they couldn't make it taller because that might be disrespectful. It's awesome:
I was going to upload the Google Maps version I got from a link in Wikipedia, but it refused to upload because it would just stop when it was almost done... argh... So I'm trying it on Photobucket right now. It isn't looking too promising... Nooo...
Fine... go here: http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=43.074635,-89.384562&spn=0.008592,0.005932&t=k
::EDIT:: Here is a very good example.
This whole post was written to make me feel a little better, but it has just made me long for my old home.
I've had a bad day.

Here's the inside of the dome (hideous, don't you agree?) This isn't very tall above the previous picture.:

If you want a good image of the WISCONSIN capitol building, then I would suggest following these urls below, or looking it up in Google Images. The ROTUNDA isn't the only mind-blowing part. Wisconsin definitely has the best capitol building in the country. It's dome has more volume than the one in Washington, D.C. since they couldn't make it taller because that might be disrespectful. It's awesome:
I was going to upload the Google Maps version I got from a link in Wikipedia, but it refused to upload because it would just stop when it was almost done... argh... So I'm trying it on Photobucket right now. It isn't looking too promising... Nooo...
Fine... go here: http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=43.074635,-89.384562&spn=0.008592,0.005932&t=k
::EDIT:: Here is a very good example.
This whole post was written to make me feel a little better, but it has just made me long for my old home.
I've had a bad day.
only six away
Our history teacher awarded her student for completing 27 assignments in February. I looked back, and I did 21 in January..... -sigh-
I'm very amazed at whoever spent her life doing that, though, because it is quite impressive. Those assignments are so tedious and insanely boring.
Right now, I'm doing research on cloud seeding programs that supress hailstone damage.
AAAH!!!! It's 7:20pm!!! I need more time to practice piano.
Oh yeah... Regional this weekend. It sucks.
I'm very amazed at whoever spent her life doing that, though, because it is quite impressive. Those assignments are so tedious and insanely boring.
Right now, I'm doing research on cloud seeding programs that supress hailstone damage.
AAAH!!!! It's 7:20pm!!! I need more time to practice piano.
Oh yeah... Regional this weekend. It sucks.
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Below is one of the longest emails I have written in a long time. I don't know what made me do it. It was originally written for Diana, but I replaced the names with underscores so people won't kill me for the time being:
LOL!! I saw you comment on my blog because I got the automatic email with your comment thing, and then I knew that you'd be writing an email next, but then, ten minutes later, you still hadn't replied, so I lost hope :( But then, I realized that I had a new email!!! I was so excited!!
LOL!! I had to do that. I am laughing right now.
Who else goes to Deerlake and might see me next Tuesday? Hopefully, _______ will be near to protect me. (HAH- I wish. He's probably too busy flirting with a whole bunch of girls at once. I just referred to both who else AND _____.) Did you notice how alike those two are?
Similar qualities: copious amounts of girls, flirting, Asian-ness, born in the US, plays tennis, plays violin, in MAO, in the same tennis class, I know I had other ideas that were good, but I can't remember, have been in TSYO... Except who else seems to be better at those qualities. He is more Asian, is very good at violin, and according to ______, amazing at tennis, might have more than "g" girls... I hate to admit this, but it's true. _________has met his rival... And plus, who ELSE owns at being creepy?
I'M SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Are you SURE you're on the same plane? VERY, VERY sure???????
Oh good. Because yesterday, your mom called my mom and she said how so many Chinese families are going to China because my mom mentioned, wow, so many Chinese families are going to China (including _________), and I was just thinking... Wouldn't it be interesting if she and who else were together for over 20 hours.......... Ew.
I have to get home somehow next Tuesday. I do not want to pretend to be an 8th grader and sit with those people in their bus with an orchestra dress. That would be weird. I need to hijack someone's car...... Should I ask ______ if his dad picks him up? 0.0
Oh yeah... You're not going to MAO practice tomorrow, are you? So I should I ask my LITTLE brother's suburban mother? -shiver- But I don't have many options unless I don't want to start my homework until about 6:00pm.
That image is frightening. Please don't talk about it too much. O.O
I just imagined who else going home and telling his wife (I don't know what she looks like) that he smells like a weird perfume because he spilled nice-smelling water on himself at some office party... (Chinese drama shows/movies... lol)
I don't remember. I don't even remember the subject of what I was trying to remember. In fact, until I read your email, I didn't even remember that I was supposed to remember something. Hmph.
I really hope this email was long enough. To make it even longer, I will not proceed with typing about other things.
I hate Napoleon Bonaparte. He is making my history homework so horrid that I'm not finishing it tonight.
I am sad because I still don't know if I'm going to State, and it's kind of Tuesday and the money's kind of due on Thursday, which is STUPID if we need it by Pie Day. Grrrr... What if my piano teacher doesn't get back to me in time??????? AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!
NOOO!! I have to memorize this Bach piece and it's so difficult to memorize because it's BACH... Which is...one of the most diffcult... :( Chopin is so easy. I also need to practice my Beethoven piece. My musicality is atrocious. LOL... "atrocious".. I haven't seen nor heard nor used that word for a looong time. In fact, I don't know if I've ever used it until now.
I'm glad I can type reasonably quickly. Oh yeah... I still want to watch my lil bro type. It would be so funny.
Ew. If you can't take me home tomorrow and Jack's mom lets me go home with them, then my half-sisters will see me up close. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Blonde people are bad.
I still want to type more because I do.
Ummm........ Oh yeah... I need a violin teacher... I should ask Mr. _______. Hmm.
I should email him. I still need to buy my concert dress. Miraculously, he has an extra for some weird reason. Awesome.
But everyone hates them. I saw it on Sunday at the TSYO concert because ______ had to wear hers because she didn't have an all-black ensemble. It was interesting. It is not worth over 50 dollars or whatever it was. It is simply a black dress. Insane...
I think this is enough. I don't want to steal too much of your valuable homework time. Sorry about that.
This e-mail is confidential and intended solely for the person(s) listed above. Any unauthorized use of the contents is expressly prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, then please delete it and notify the sender immediately. You may not retain the message or disclose its contents to anyone unless you have the permission of epsieanniihsct, CEO of Gator-fil-A. Thank you. And chop a Gator today!
LOL!! I saw you comment on my blog because I got the automatic email with your comment thing, and then I knew that you'd be writing an email next, but then, ten minutes later, you still hadn't replied, so I lost hope :( But then, I realized that I had a new email!!! I was so excited!!
LOL!! I had to do that. I am laughing right now.
Who else goes to Deerlake and might see me next Tuesday? Hopefully, _______ will be near to protect me. (HAH- I wish. He's probably too busy flirting with a whole bunch of girls at once. I just referred to both who else AND _____.) Did you notice how alike those two are?
Similar qualities: copious amounts of girls, flirting, Asian-ness, born in the US, plays tennis, plays violin, in MAO, in the same tennis class, I know I had other ideas that were good, but I can't remember, have been in TSYO... Except who else seems to be better at those qualities. He is more Asian, is very good at violin, and according to ______, amazing at tennis, might have more than "g" girls... I hate to admit this, but it's true. _________has met his rival... And plus, who ELSE owns at being creepy?
I'M SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Are you SURE you're on the same plane? VERY, VERY sure???????
Oh good. Because yesterday, your mom called my mom and she said how so many Chinese families are going to China because my mom mentioned, wow, so many Chinese families are going to China (including _________), and I was just thinking... Wouldn't it be interesting if she and who else were together for over 20 hours.......... Ew.
I have to get home somehow next Tuesday. I do not want to pretend to be an 8th grader and sit with those people in their bus with an orchestra dress. That would be weird. I need to hijack someone's car...... Should I ask ______ if his dad picks him up? 0.0
Oh yeah... You're not going to MAO practice tomorrow, are you? So I should I ask my LITTLE brother's suburban mother? -shiver- But I don't have many options unless I don't want to start my homework until about 6:00pm.
That image is frightening. Please don't talk about it too much. O.O
I just imagined who else going home and telling his wife (I don't know what she looks like) that he smells like a weird perfume because he spilled nice-smelling water on himself at some office party... (Chinese drama shows/movies... lol)
I don't remember. I don't even remember the subject of what I was trying to remember. In fact, until I read your email, I didn't even remember that I was supposed to remember something. Hmph.
I really hope this email was long enough. To make it even longer, I will not proceed with typing about other things.
I hate Napoleon Bonaparte. He is making my history homework so horrid that I'm not finishing it tonight.
I am sad because I still don't know if I'm going to State, and it's kind of Tuesday and the money's kind of due on Thursday, which is STUPID if we need it by Pie Day. Grrrr... What if my piano teacher doesn't get back to me in time??????? AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!
NOOO!! I have to memorize this Bach piece and it's so difficult to memorize because it's BACH... Which is...one of the most diffcult... :( Chopin is so easy. I also need to practice my Beethoven piece. My musicality is atrocious. LOL... "atrocious".. I haven't seen nor heard nor used that word for a looong time. In fact, I don't know if I've ever used it until now.
I'm glad I can type reasonably quickly. Oh yeah... I still want to watch my lil bro type. It would be so funny.
Ew. If you can't take me home tomorrow and Jack's mom lets me go home with them, then my half-sisters will see me up close. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Blonde people are bad.
I still want to type more because I do.
Ummm........ Oh yeah... I need a violin teacher... I should ask Mr. _______. Hmm.
I should email him. I still need to buy my concert dress. Miraculously, he has an extra for some weird reason. Awesome.
But everyone hates them. I saw it on Sunday at the TSYO concert because ______ had to wear hers because she didn't have an all-black ensemble. It was interesting. It is not worth over 50 dollars or whatever it was. It is simply a black dress. Insane...
I think this is enough. I don't want to steal too much of your valuable homework time. Sorry about that.
This e-mail is confidential and intended solely for the person(s) listed above. Any unauthorized use of the contents is expressly prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, then please delete it and notify the sender immediately. You may not retain the message or disclose its contents to anyone unless you have the permission of epsieanniihsct, CEO of Gator-fil-A. Thank you. And chop a Gator today!
paragraphs are so boring. essays are worse.
I am so happy. My English teacher didn't find the prewriting because she lost it until today, so it's okay, and she moved the peer reviewing to Thursday! Apparently, it was with her "11th grade" papers, meaning they were probably mingling in the AP Language and Composition homework assignments :)
Unfortunately, I might not find out when my piano audition is, so it's very possible that I won't go to the STATE CONVENTION... I've never been to Orlando. I suppose that's when I why I want to go... It's more than 200 dollars, though. I really hope I find out when the audition is by tomorrow because the money is due this Thursday, which is STUPID because it's due on Pie Day and our sponsor wants it on Thursday. That doesn't make any sense whatsoever. And, when I told him I might not go, he got really mad... And he's my math teacher, so I don't want to make him too mad. My grade is pretty much in his hands/computer/power.
Aaaah... Stupid Napoleon. He's too French. I can't believe he surrendered. Well, I can because he's too French (poor him... Corsica was in French territory not too long before he was born). He makes history homework even more boring that it was. I really miss answering multiple choice questions. They were so easy!
Unfortunately, I might not find out when my piano audition is, so it's very possible that I won't go to the STATE CONVENTION... I've never been to Orlando. I suppose that's when I why I want to go... It's more than 200 dollars, though. I really hope I find out when the audition is by tomorrow because the money is due this Thursday, which is STUPID because it's due on Pie Day and our sponsor wants it on Thursday. That doesn't make any sense whatsoever. And, when I told him I might not go, he got really mad... And he's my math teacher, so I don't want to make him too mad. My grade is pretty much in his hands/computer/power.
Aaaah... Stupid Napoleon. He's too French. I can't believe he surrendered. Well, I can because he's too French (poor him... Corsica was in French territory not too long before he was born). He makes history homework even more boring that it was. I really miss answering multiple choice questions. They were so easy!
Monday, March 05, 2007
My English teacher never emailed back and it's 9:43pm.
I suppose I'm officially doomed.
I need a violin teacher.
Do you guys have any good ideas? (Preferably someone who lives here...)
Oh yeah...
I also need TIME to practice.
Time hates me.
Mei, if you're reading this, TIME has nothing to do with HIM. ^^. Good luck with it, though. Seriously.
*sigh* (Yes, I literally sighed.)
Chiles Regional this Saturday... My second-to-last chance to gain back my position. Which isn't really possible because my position involved beating all the Chiles people in Algebra 2 because no one else knew what was going on at the beginning.
I suppose I'm officially doomed.
I need a violin teacher.
Do you guys have any good ideas? (Preferably someone who lives here...)
Oh yeah...
I also need TIME to practice.
Time hates me.
Mei, if you're reading this, TIME has nothing to do with HIM. ^^. Good luck with it, though. Seriously.
*sigh* (Yes, I literally sighed.)
Chiles Regional this Saturday... My second-to-last chance to gain back my position. Which isn't really possible because my position involved beating all the Chiles people in Algebra 2 because no one else knew what was going on at the beginning.
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