Monday, December 18, 2006

World History Accelerated Honors Pace

My first assignment was titled, "Pace". I'm not kidding you, Diana.
The assignments (well at least the first three) are so boring that I'm considering liking reviewing for exams even more. -.-
The third assignment which is the 2nd part of the second assignment so it's the second assignment is SOO weird. I think I'm gonna fail it.
I can't wait until I'm done with this course. No offense to the teacher, but I'd bribe people with food if I could do math instead.

Sunday, December 17, 2006


Apparently, Advanced Placement U.S. History is really difficult... But after that torture history class in 8th grade, I feel like I can take on anything :)
However, I don't really remember anything we learned because it was basically "cram and remember until the test and midterm and finals" and we were good.
I threw away all my work because I needed to get rid of a lot of stuff and plus, I was so glad to be over with it.
Oh no...
Who would keep that stuff, though? I mean, really. -.-
*optimism* Maybe I'll get an A in apush for junior year *too optimistic*
I hope so anyway.
More history tomorrow.
History, history, history.
My 8th grade history teacher would be so happy if she knew that I was taking extra history. Well it's not really extra, but it'll make me have eight classes if I'm lucky enough for Orchestra, so I guess it's extra.
Fun. More history.
We only got to The War of 1812 but we were supposed to get to the Civil War. So much for that.
At least (hopefully) my brain will trigger with memory when we learn up to The War of 1812...? I should be okay when we go in depth with the Revolution. I might die of remembering the torture, but I should know it. Or at least have a vague idea of what's going on.
I am too bored. I have posted enough on this blog.
And only one person reads it. But it's more like my journal... maybe I should read my own blog. Then I wouldn't be so bored.
I'm hungry.

I think I'm dying of

boredom. Is it possible? I suppose so.
It is the most boring part of school besides maybe working with other people...
Like when we have "group projects" which really means "the one responsible person in the group must do work for four"... But that doesn't happen too often since it's high school and the teachers have finally realized that it is usually actually "the one responsible Asian doing work for four".
The only exam I'm actually worried about is English. Our teacher is also one of the AP Lang teachers which means that she'll make really difficult multiple choice questions whenever she feels like it which is pretty much most of the time.
However, there isn't much I can review. And it' soooo boring...........
I wish I could go outside and play tennis or something. Too bad the nearest free tennis court is about 20 miles away or something crazy like that.
Tomorrow is the math exam... Fun... Then more studying for English which is Tuesday. And Spanish is also Tuesday. Then Science which is Wednesday.
Then, WINTER BREAK! Which actually isn't good because that means math, piano, and World History. Fun. At least I'm not doing the history fair! :D My problem is that any free time I have is devoted to piano and then math is pretty much forgotten. I figured out one entire problem yesterday. I think that was a miracle because I actually opened my study book.
I'm so pathetic.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

liu4 yue4 feng

Today, my mom quizzed my bro on the months.
Mom: Which month comes after May?
Bro: Errrmmmm...
Mom: It's a girl's name.
Bro 10 seconds later: June!

June is very much a guy who is also my VP for Gator-fil-A.

Speaking of Gator-fil-A, I have recruited a new employee. His name is Walter and he lives in Wisconsin. His title is Head of Stop the Omini-Nugatory Gators (SONG).
Omini is derived from "omni" which means "all" in Latin. However, I misspelt it when emailing me three people, so it is Omini. Which gives even more meaning to it. What good fate I have when it comes to inventing acronyms. Nugatory means "useless" and "worthless". That's pretty self-explanatory.

Friday, December 15, 2006

end of the bible-apocalypse-armaggedon-the end of the world

According to my mom, my dad is "very satisfied" with my PSAT score. I think it's a miracle, hence the title of this post.
My selection index was exactly 200. According to a random person my mom knows, I can't qualify for the NMSQT because I'm not a U.S. citizen. Diana can, though. *hint hint: double meaning*
Other people should read this. Maybe I'll bribe Jack with food so he'll read it. Then, more people would.
Another reason the world is ending: Diana annoyed me today. But I became immune when I realized how stupid she sounded. She now needs to find other ways (not that they exist outside of my mind) to annoy me. Hehe.

I am starting World History next week.
I haven't been called up to Guidance yet. I'm a bit worried. The normal school days have ended and there is no word yet. When I get back from winter break, I better be assigned into Orchestra or else.
I found the most wonderful Latin dictionary online. I found it by clicking on a link that said that this would have more words and it was better and basically, "If you're stupid you're not going to click on it so CLICK ON IT already." Unfortunately, I don't know any Latin grammar so I can't really use it. I forgot the few rules I learned last year. I stopped teaching myself Latin because I was tired of memorizing things that would not affect my grade.

Thursday, December 14, 2006


I got my score back!!!!!!!!!
And I didn't get a perfect score in math x.x
DIANA did, though ^^.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

interesting. (info. from

Rickards Preseason Invitational- Chiles High School
Sweepstakes - 2nd place
<<Gaku Liu(1st)Ashley Perko(4th)
TEAMGaku Liu, Ashley Perko, Kim Struk, Clara Vu(1st)
<<Carolyn Kim(2nd)Jerrod Langston(5th)Brandon Davis(9th)
TEAMBrandon Davis, Carolyn Kim, Jerrod Langston, Michael Wei(1st)
>>>Algebra II
<<Kejing Jiang(6th)
TEAMWilliam Dunn, Ryan Pace, Shuyao Zhang, Diana Zheng(3rd)
>>>Alpha Open
Logan Stafman(1st)Tiffany Huang(2nd)Viv Pitter(3rd)Jinoo Jin(4th)Catie Cottle(5th)Candace Rosier(8th)Lauren Fordyce(9th)Meagan Davis(10th)
>>>Theta Open
Kejing Jiang(2nd)Sam Bennett(8th)Blair Wulterkens(10th)

Monday, December 11, 2006


Gator-fil-A has several non-profit organizations.
They include JIG, PSAT, and The NMSQT.
JIG= Jack Isn't Ghetto.
I'll post what the other two are after Diana finds out. However, I don't know when that'll be. But since Diana seems to be the only one reading this these days, it doesn't really matter.
Maybe if I can change this into the Gator-fil-A official blog. Hmmm... But it'll still be my personal blog, of course.

blocks are fun

Yesterday was my IQ test. All I know is that I'm not a genius and I passed the 100 mark. Actually, I can't be sure I passed the 100 mark. I can only hope I did...
I got a ring pop from Diana's lil bro today! My experiment will start after I talk to my Gator-fil-A VP.
I should be studying Romeo and Juliet and finishing up my 150-point art project but I'm not. Oh well. I have a few hours left.
Exams are starting this Friday, but for me, they start next Monday because I don't have a first period class. My counselor replyed my email and said that she will tell me when my schedule is changed so it sounds promising that I'll have Orchestra! :D

Saturday, December 09, 2006

gifted test tomorrow

I'm pretty nervous...
14 more hours...
more like
13 hours and 42 minutes...
Oh no.
How can I pass this?
No one takes it in HIGH SCHOOL!
I have no choice.
if they give me Orchestra,
I'll have eight classes anyways.