Friday, November 03, 2006


I had a 108 in math. Next, I got a 100 on my test. Then, I got a 100 on my homework. Lastly, I got 100 on my homework. My grade went DOWN!!! For being perfect, too. It was sad. It happens to me a lot, too. You can look at it like you got a 98 and you made 90's on a lot of things, but a 100 isn't bad at all, so that's what makes the whole thing seem so weird.

I have the TSYO audition tomorrow... In approximately 14 hours and 8 minutes.

I'm really unhappy about how the AP classes at Chiles are really difficult, but the 9th grade classes are so incredibly easy that they are all teaching middle school stuff. It is also weird how many AP classes cannot be taken before junior year, such as Psychology! I really want to take Psychology now, but I must wait during two more agonizing years of easy classes. Only two other freshmen at Chiles actually know how I feel. Everyone else is either completely stupid, superficial, or both.

14 hours and 5 more minutes...

Thursday, November 02, 2006

It's so difficult to be nervous

because you can't function properly. During my lifetime, I have been nervous the most often during piano performances. Once, I could see my hands shaking because I was so nervous. I didn't do too well at that recital...

Tomorrow morning's my gifted screening. I am way too nervous about it. Mainly because I know I'm going to fail it because it's really difficult, especially by high school, since intelligence tests are calculated by age. Too bad WI didn't have a gifted program.

Now, my some of friends know the guy I want to bomb. They hate him too, but (unfortunately) don't think of grenades every time they see him. They don't think of hacking, either. For me, his name automatically triggers both thoughts simutaneously.

I still don't have anything happy to post. But za4-ing that one guy up is kind of happy, I guess.

Does anyone know where you can buy ring pops? I haven't seen those things for ages, and I'll need them in approximately 1o years.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

happy-ish thoughts

I typed this on the other laptop(which is the only other computer possible) with Notepad, so I'm going to type really quickly so there's going to be more mistakes than usual unless I happen to be very weird and accurate today.

List of happy things I can say about my life
1. I'm not dead. ut if I were, I wouldn't e able to say this. So it really isn't that special. But it's happy! In a morbid way...
2. Two people read my blog.
3. I have more than enough basic neccesities to keep me alive.
4. My brother isn't big enough to beat me up.
5. My school has AP classes. Yay...
6. I'm getting enough wireless signal to load
7. I have friends.
8. I have nice school supplies.
9. I'm Asian AND Chinese.
10. I have a piano and violin.
11. I'm hopefully going to get that programming book from the library- finally!
12. The bus comes early every morning now. Except I get home later. But it still gets to school early. Too early.
13. I'm still not dead.

Oh, look- another depressing post. The point of the whole list was to find myself happy things to say in posts, emails, chats, etc., but obviously, it didn't work too well.
The gifted test and orchestra auditions quickly being closer to the present really isn't helping.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006


To Diana: Does "grenades" count? Or are you just counting "grenade"? I would think you'd count both, right?

THANKS EVERYONE FOR READING MY BLOG! I know I've said this way too much, but I really do feel special when it happens. Except not everyone reads my blog. I really should be more clear when I write/type.

Uh... Sorry Jack. But I really don't care if it's "University of Florida" or "Florida University"or even "Gator-fil-a". I personally like "Gator-fil-a", though. There. That's my new name for the university. I'm going to use it tomorrow if the opportunity arrives. Badgers rule.

Not that Jack reads this.

Today, someone said that table tennis was retarded. I glared at him. During that very angered moment, I also wished I had a grenade to throw at him. I'm not kidding. Of course, the whole 1-second day dream was hypothetical. Right now, I can just imagine someone reading this and going, "Suuuuure."

The Beginner's Programming for Dummies book or whatever it's called has arrived at the Northeast Branch!!! I plan to get it on Saturday.
Wow... the cursor just randomly moved northeast for over five seconds, and I couldn't gain control over it! I was typing before that, and my hand wasn't touching the touchpad. La vispera de los santos causes odd things to happen.

la vispera de los santos

I have an 11% range in my grades... It's funny how bad that sounds.
Ironically, it's because I have a 108 and 1/3% in math thanks to the 10% extra credit on one of our latest tests. Unfortunately, the 100's lower it... Oh well.
Today in science, we got back our Chapter 6 tests. The teacher told us that we could correct them and get partial credit because everyone flunked it so badly(except in nicer words!) and that she normally doesn't do stuff like that. Later, I heard her (yeah, I was eavesdropping) talking to one of the girls, saying she couldn't curve our grades because someone got an 101%. Hehehe... I felt kind of bad. For once, my grade affected other people. However, if I'd gotten a 99%, no one's grades would've gone up very much. So, It would probably have been better for everyone if I'd flunked it.

Milky Way Midnight's are nice. They include two of my favorite foods- dark chocolate and marshmallows.

The cookie dough sale for MAO started and I feel bad about that, too. I can't really sell any. I mean, I CAN, but I'm too lazy. And busy. I still have to balance piano, violin, and math. Math has pretty much disappeared from the list of what I do every day outside of school.

Someone told me that a group of kids plan to drive around tonight and throw water balloons at the little kids. I hope they don't hit my brother... *makes extra grenades* I won't be there, though. *teaches brother how to throw grenades*

Monday, October 30, 2006

Pianos are awesome.

If you can't figure out what "epsieanniihsct" means from the title of this post, then I pity you.

For my make-up work for this Friday in Personal Fitness, I wrote a page on the history of table tennis. I never knew it was invented by the upper class Victorians in England.
I've felt stupid all day, though.
In MAO, I actually forgot to take my home my math textbook until I left the building. Then, I had to wait until the guy who I want to za4 to open the door because they're locked automatically at 4:00pm because he was the next person going to the door.
I did not have a very good day.

Then, as I was emailing my Wisconsin friends, they were all depressed except rzuee.

I dread the end of this week.

Sunday, October 29, 2006


I completely forgot to go on the internet all weekend. It really isn't like me.

Today was the TSYO concert, and at around 5:00pm, we all walked into Opperman Music Hall and played "Arioso" and "Tumbleweed". And I got to be the concertmaster! YAY! Except it really wasn't that great. Phil is the 2nd to worst (3rd to best) orchestra, and it's really easy to do well. Plus, at my age, I should be in Symphony. Oops.
I wore my mom's black shoes because mine are about the same size. Meaning I had gigantic shoes either way, and I used my mom's because they were nicer and more comfortable. They kept falling off as I walked... I'm still thankful it didn't happen on stage! After we played our pieces and walked out, my standpartner told me that everyone in the 1st violin section was really off during "Tumbleweed". I never notice those things at concerts. In fact, I don't really notice anything around me when I play at concerts, which isn't the greatest idea since I kind of have to look at the conductor.

This Saturday, I'm auditioning for Chamber(3rd worst/2nd best TSYO)! I'm SO excited about it, because I really want to get in!
This Friday is my gifted screening/test, and I really want to get into Gifted, too!
I'm going to develop about fifty canker sores if I keep stressing about everything. (And that's something, because I don't think I've ever gotton one.)
TWO big "tests" in one week really isn't good for me.

Friday, October 27, 2006

I imagined the explosion again :D

To Mei: Oh no, we're definitely not fighting. I barely communicate with the guy. He just gets on my nerves by being anywhere near me whether it's five feet or thousands of miles. As soon as I "knew" him for the first time, I couldn't stand him. He's just that kind of person. These people are quite rare. Unfortunately for me, I have to be in the same classroom as him twice a week because of MAO.

I feel so stupid... I don't know how to add square roots and cube roots together. In fact, I don't know how to do 1/3 of the problems in the study book we got. They are all past tests. I'm going to fail every single competition I go to...
At the Chiles Invitational, Deerlake Middle School will very, very likely be there. Diana says she'll find my "cousin". I hope she does! I must know more about blowing people up and hacking into peoples' computers and other things. Then, I can get into Jack's (a guy who has blue and orange colored braces for the Gator colors) computer and change his wallpaper to the Seminoles and rename all his documents and folders "I LOVE FSU" or "SEMINOLES ARE BETTER THAN THE GATORS" or "GATOR-FIL-A". That would be fun. And, I would change anything possible to garnet or gold. I am not exactly an FSU fan myself, but for all of you Wisconsinites, FSU and FU are very big rivals. (Florida State University in Tallahassee, FL and Florida University which is in Gainsville, FL.)
When the moving men came to our house in WI, they told me to support the Gators and when we got to Tallahassee, asked me if I was going to Florida State or Florida. I hesitated because I didn't want to go to either school, so he answered for me, saying "Florida, right?"
If I had to decided between FSU and FL, I'd probably pick FSU simply because the music department at FSU is very good, particularly the piano department. I love piano.

a little bit schizo in a good way

I keep imagining blowing him up with my very own hand-made grenade. It's getting to the point where I feel like it's really happening, but the vision is far from detailed. It's just of in the distance, and BOOM. I don't know why I feel so violent. I blame it on him.

On a much lighter note, the TSYO concert is this Sunday at around 5 pm, I think. I'm the worst concertmaster ever. I should make it clear that no one in their right mind should follow me if they get lost no matter how "good" I seem to be at the easiest music ever. But I don't have to walk up after everyone else sits down, so I won't have to worry about tripping or something weird like that. UGH I hate puns!!!!! I try to ignore them, but it's not hard to notice them.

I imagined it again.
And again. I just want him to disappear.

It'll be interesting to find out the valedictorians/salutatorians of the classes of '08 and '10. Very interesting. One of the class of 2010 told me that "interesting" is "my word" because I say it a lot since I found almost everything interesting.
Things I find interesting: video games, computer programming(although I have no knowledge of it as of now), grenades, any other bombs, nuclear fission and fussion, the fact that I really don't sound like a girl as I make this list, Rubik's Cubes, piano, Chopin, Beethoven, Bach, violins(particularly Strads and other nice violins), celli, factoring, MAO in general, computers, laptops, Zhong1 Guo2, etc.
Things I don't find interesting: golf, football, US History(it was luck all the way in my opinion), etc.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Taking gifted test @ FSU on 11/3/06

Haven't you ever wanted to blow someone up? (Yeah, I ended with a sentence wiht a preposition.. Ooooh.) I'm not kidding. David was talking about my "cousin"(who I still have to meet) and his grenade obsessions, and I was just thinking... Hmmm... That wouldn't be too hard to make! Now, who do I want to blow up? Oh! I know! That one junior who goes up to me randomly and I wanna stab him SO hard and take out his pituitary gland and amygdala. If you know what those are, which you do, I don't need to explain. I said stab because it would be faster.
If I took out his frontal lobe, there wouldn't be much of a difference so I won't even bother.
Don't worry- I'm fully aware of how violent I sound. All of this is hypothetical, as far as I know. Those last five words weren't very reassuring, were they?

It seems like my former group of friends has split apart because of me... Well not completely, of course! Just... A lot. I wonder what happened to Bryna...
Suprisingly, "love pentagons" occur very often, not just in one state.

I'm going to get the "Dummy" book for beginning comp programming. It definitely made my day when I clicked "Request"! I'm so excited! The key to hacking is understanding computer languages, of course.