Thursday, December 17, 2015

Thank you girls.

I was talking to my friend Olivia and I started reflecting upon my closest girl friends since she asked me who they were. I realized that these girls are so wonderfully strong. From talking to people the past few years I've noticed that my guy friends are very good at compartmentalizing their thoughts when they feel down, while the girls often think about "a million things" at once. As a general statement, if a million things are bothering my girl friends, it's hard for them to simply shut things off or focus on something else. Knowing this shows me that these girls are so strong. They can keep smiling and keep loving others despite all the things trying to bring them down. I'm glad they are in my life.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

No Quitting

If there ever was a time when I spent the whole day just adoring God and everything else faded away in comparison, I want to be in that place.
If there ever was an hour when nothing could bring me down into a dark place because God's light was blindingly bright, I want to be there.

The past two years have undermined any notion that I had life in control. In the midst of darkness -- depression, anxiety... exhaustion -- I'm so tempted to dwell on the worst of memories and the worst of my imagination, and to trust no one.
I'm physically sick right now, but it doesn't seem so bad compared to the emotions: fear, jealousy, pride, clouds of confusion and distance, and probably more that I can't recall right now. I cry because of these feelings; I'm afraid because I feel like this will not pass. Every time I think I've fought off the pain it comes back to haunt me with intensity. Jealousy because I think everyone is giving attention to anyone but me. Pride because I absolutely love to dress up and pretend everything is good and I've got it all together. Clouds because I just want to hide in my room and cry because I can't figure out what is true; the lies are so loud that I can't focus on the present or anything around me.

But these feelings are just lies, completely powerless compared to Him who lives inside of us. Even though I've lost hope, joy, and physical weight, the score hasn't changed because I have not lost my God. I'm going to keep fighting and I'm going to stay alive.


April 2012: About noon or a bit after today I was watching over Michelle [last names removed] who had been / was manifest by the Holy Spirit and on the floor. Eventually I went to get a quick prayer from David. Then I felt something tingling. Sat back by Michelle. Then I started jolting a lot, in my arms & fingers, and my chest and legs. And I suppose speaking in tongues, though not too long earlier when I was praying for John I started to do so a little bit without really knowing if I was. Anyway I have jolted a lot today. So that has been interesting. But more importantly as I sat on the floor I cried when I realized that God had answered my prayers, so much, so many times, that HE would reveal Himself to me. And it was the first time I believed that Heaven is real. It was so unbelievably good; my mind can't comprehend its goodness. JESUS!

June 2013: You, my child, serve Me. You will never be alone, and not even death can change that. The grace I've given you will not run dry. You are separated from your sins and you'll never have to fear.

October 2014: What is God inviting you to do? release from anger/anxiety/depression, from fears in the world, loving on others, remember why I came to Stanford and what I want to do with my degrees

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

night thoughts

hi hums :0

Unfortunately I don't happen to know if you are, but I'm really into getting (and I guess writing) emails and letters haha. So here's one. You don't have to reply of course. :0
I'm listening to a song about being with someone in the moonlight and it eases into a line about falling through the sky to find it. I don't know what "it" is exactly. But tonight I was walking home with two sisters (our new accountability group!) and one of them (Jessica) pointed upwards to Orion's Belt. Stars have always seemed so arbitrary to me, but isn't it amazing that they're in fact so orderly from our perspective? As children when we learned about planetary motion and the contributions of the great astronomers, they showed us all these constellations and I thought these were so forced or labeled for convenience' sake. What's so special about three stars that look like they stay near each other over time?
I still don't fully understand. But there's something beautiful about that constancy. Suddenly a dark blue sky scattered with stars includes pattern and reliability. Maybe God splattered them around like a bunch of confetti (in which case He is the greatest of trolls) but there's so much to it. How far away they are, how warm they are (but not as large and warm as you), and how tiny we are (but not you).
Back to "falling through." Have you ever looked into the flicker of a candle flame or a bonfire? Falling can be a calm experience, definitely on the peaceful side of the dichotomy between falling through the gaze up towards a night sky and the violent falling of a roller coaster cart. I think the former is my favorite way of enjoying things. Really focusing on it and letting all else fade away, knowing there's no immediate reason to leave or redirect my attention. It's a timelessness that transcends worry or fear or misunderstanding. It brings courage, steadfastness, and contentment.
I want to tell you that in this place of focus and peace, when God tells us that we're coheirs with Christ, children of the King of kings, there's a strong feeling and knowing of our royalty, neither prideful nor unwanted. We are free in life and conquerers of anything that tries to defeat us because we are on His side and He is at our side.

I hope you are sleeping well.

Love always,