Friday, January 28, 2011

Unwanted again?

Thank you for your interest in The Boeing Company! We appreciate the time you took to complete our online application process for the following position:

Requisition Job Title
10-1019256 Intern - Student Engineer - Product Support and Logistics
Unfortunately, this job opening has been cancelled.

[cry] <-except not

I am learning all the different ways people can reject you. The nicest one so far was from a smaller (but very cool in my opinion) company that thanked me twice in the email, saying that they would let me know if there were a position available for me. At this point I believe that the day I find out what I'm doing this summer will be one of the top five best days of my life.
When we grow up, you can say, "Kejing! My son is so nerdy. He wants to be an engineer. Do you have any advice or information of contact for any summer opportunities?" And I will say "Yeah! Let him email or call me some time. I'll contact some of my friends from high school and college. But which major interests him?" And then I would find something cool for him to do, because I would (hopefully) be good at life and be in a great position to help the next generation (or you).

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