Saturday, December 27, 2008

On, Wisconsin! On, Wisconsin!

I was walking out of Wal*mart, when a group of guys saw my shirt. One of them said, "Wisconsin?" So I replied, "Yeah, Wisconsin!" Then, this more jerkish guy did the Seminole chop while saying, "Noles, baby!" That just went to show how obnoxious Nole fans can be...
I was talking about the game with one of my best friends, when he suddenly changed the subject. It ended up like this.
Me: Is it funny to be kissed by you?
[Friend]: Idk would you like to find out
Also, we noticed that Joseph's Facebook account seems to have disappeared. I hope you're okay, man.
We went to three car dealership places today. It was so tiring. No, we didn't get one.

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