Wednesday, April 02, 2008


Congratulations to Ryan, who learned a bit of piano yesterday from a really lame YouTube video, but managed to impress both his parents and aunt.
Spring Break is halfway over, and I have to say I am quite happy. I am going to finish watching V for Vendetta, and eventually watch Hotel Rwanda after my trip to the library. I also printed some MAO State tests, which I hope to at least glance over before two-thirds of April comes by.
We saw Sweeney Todd at Anna's house last night. The songs made me want to sing out loud, if only I could learn them.
I'm too lazy to type any more, so here's another song. Unfortunately, at the uploader's request, it didn't provide embedding and I'm not enough of a computer geek to figure it out, so THIS is the link.

1 comment:

Blondie said...

kejing!! i can help you learn the sweeney todd songs!! "we all deserve to die! even you mrs. lovett, even I, b/c the lives of the wicked should be set free, for all of us death will be a relief, we all deserve to die!"