Sunday, February 03, 2008

Go... whoever.

Apparently, the Super Bowl is tonight. I'm still not over being bitter towards the Giants for beating the Packers in really cold weather. However, I can't go rooting for the "Patriots."
Yesterday, I wrote about seven MS Word pages worth of notes, severely breaking the rule of 10-15 important bullet facts per source. I still don't have my last source, which should come in the form of a physical book, but hopefully the crate that Mrs. Winsett said she'd get will come before Wednesday. Nothing is due on Monday, so it's going to take some sort of incentive to start doing a lot of this work.
One of my not-so-new favorite activities is defeating opponents in ping-pong by slamming it down in a sort of spike so they have no chance.
After reading this, I feel like they were talking about my family.
I need to go biking some time soon.

1 comment:

Blondie said...

OMG! i probably would have watched the super bowl if the packers were in it!! i was SO mad that the packers lost and didnt make it to the super bowl!!