Tuesday, December 25, 2007

No life.

I practiced the piano this morning. And a Merry Christmas to you, too.
I also put another layer of paint stain onto the plaque, and my mom wants us to pack for the day after tomorrow, which makes no sense because today is sort of a holiday.
I'm wondering what would happen if I try to charge my iPod with a computer that doesn't have iTunes. Meaning, I hope it doesn't start to try to synchronize with nothing. But if the computer doesn't make it do anything, the theoretically it shouldn't happen, but I'm still not completely certain about it. Maybe I'm over analyzing it. ::EDIT:: I just checked, and I can. ::END EDIT::
Practice practice practice practice practice practice practice practice ... Tomorrow is the weekly lesson because we're leaving after that.
Feliz Navidad a ti, tambien.

1 comment:

baitsaw said...

merry christmas to u tu. =)