Which sounds pretty selfish, but I don't really care that Henry II died while engaging in a recreational activity so it was kind of his fault that Coligne died.
It's kind of bad that I haven't really studied any Euro within the past few hours, and I have done NO studying for Pre-Calc except looking over the answer of one problem (online) that I never actually did. Big tests in each tomorrow. For some reason, I thought we had our AP Stats test tomorrow, so I got really worried because I need an A on the test, OR ELSE.
It's really all my fault for procrastinating, but I don't really want to read about 30 pages in the textbook in preparation for the quarter's last test, and I hope I get a passable grade on it. I have a 98%, so hopefully, I won't have to do amazingly on it. It would be nice to go out with a strong grade, though.
The Medea essay in English was actually 100 points, which is probably a very bad thing because it was the one writing assignment in English in which I finished as physically quickly as possible because I had no patience to do well with it.
I think the Europeans had a lot of problems. They were too nosy about other people's religions, and from all this warfare and famine, they never managed to learn how to cook properly. I mean, I'm sure they know how to make good food, but OVERALL, it isn't as awesome as Asian food. And then, it got much worse in the US because they were people from Europe who were just trying to survive and all VIVE LA RESISTANCE with the British and such so they never really learned how to cook, either. I'm getting really hungry. The DUTCH, on the other hand, were smart and made a lot of profit. I mean, they sold firearms to their enemies, didn't rely on an important of gold and silver, and were just plain awesome compared to the Spanish (who were still awesome because they spoke Spanish but not so awesome because they weren't very good at being economically gifted). Bodin is so mean. Absolutism is stupid. Montaigne wasn't very smart, and deicded to be open-minded and skeptic at the same time, so then everyone hated him. Grotius just wanted to die, I guess, since he wanted the natural laws to be above all the rulers. But the Swedish king, Gustavus Adolphus, put his book under his pillow. If you don't read the text carefully, the whole world seems absolutely chaotic. Brahe probably deserved to lose part of his nose for not believing in heliocentrism. Not really. That is a bit harsh. I'm just being bitter because they had to exist so I'm being tested on them.
I don't know how I slowly flipped through the pages, not really reading but kinda paying attention the fact that certain stuff happened, and I mean STUFF. It all kind of leads to more things and more things and more crazy dead European men.
All this complaint will probably result in a very poor grade tomorrow for me, but I can focus on things like how Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim is such a cool name because Hohenheim was Ed's father's name in "Full Metal Alchemist".
OH right... My English novel needs to be read.
1 comment:
Absolutism rocks. Chinese food tastes bad.
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