Thursday, August 11, 2011

I'd like to think I tried, but next time I won't fail.

For security purposes, this story is going to have a lot of one-letter initials. Some of which overlap with each other, adding necessary ambiguity.
The drive was a success. Obeying our Tomtom set on the American Richard voice, I felt safe. This safety derived from a conversation my parents had about this particular voice. Richard sounds like a computer version of President Obama, and we tend to vote for Democrats. My iPod naturally played a variety of obscure music: Black Hills by gardens & villa, Ritual Union by Little Dragon, I Can Change by LCD Soundsystem... P jokes that I won't like any music on YouTube that has more than a 1,000 views.
The unpaved road wasn't bad. The sun was bright, the roads were dry, and the cars were few. Soon, I found the correct mailbox.
Then I became very confused.
On the right side of the mailbox was a large trailer-but-garage-shaped structure with a smaller trailer along its side. Behind that was a two-story home. I didn't know if P lived in the little trailer, the garage, or the house. After cautiously stepping into the lawn, I strolled towards the garage and along its perimeter. Nothing. R stayed on the phone with me. By the time I almost finished walking around the garage, I saw a lady.
"Hello! Do you know where P would be?" I think I asked this.
"He lives over there. [point]"
"Thank you. I really didn't want to walk on your property but I didn't know how else I would find him," I explained.
"It's okay. You just scared me," she replied. Later, I found out from P that this lady has shot trespassers. Oh my.
On the left and ultimately correct side of the mailbox, I drove up a nearby driveway, only to find a llama (which I thought was a huge alpaca because I did not realize P had llamas), another two-story house, many small barns, a small Volkswagon, a grey truck with one Mexican man in it who didn't know where P would be, and a group of Mexicans sitting around. Hesitating for a few seconds, I then pulled out of the driveway, and parked along the road across from the mailbox and driveway.
I knew I was in the right place, so I walked down the driveway once more. Did P live in one of these little barn things, or did he live in the tall house? "R, I'll call you back."
"Hi, do you know if P lives here?" I asked a Mm, who stood up and seemed to know very fluent English.
"No sorry, we're new here too." The Mm asked another Mm something in Spanish, and they spoke quickly.
"It's okay." What am I doing here? I wondered. "Do you speak Spanish?" I added, even though it was pretty clear that they did.
"Yeah. Do you?"
"A little bit!"
"How did you learn it?"
"From high school." I learned some in middle school too, but that would take more explanation, and high school was the most immediate answer that my mind recalled.
The Mm smiled. "Did they teach you well?"
"No." I am completely honest.
A knock on the barn closest to the llama did not produce any indication of human activity. It looked like the barn acted as a storage shed.
A ring of the doorbell produced the response of a barking dog from the inside, but nothing more. I stepped off the front porch, deducing that P probably didn't live in a house with girl's shoes near the front door, not realizing that he has a sister.
I walked back into the van, locking all doors. My last resort would be to call P, but this task took a while. Here is a summary.
Phone call #1:
me: Hi J! Do you have A's number? J: Sure. I'll... call you back... It's ----------.
Phone call #2: no answer
Phone call #3:
me: Hi Z. Do you know where A is? Z: Yeah, she's here. me thinking: Of course she is. That's why I called you.
They told me to call A.
Phone call #4: After looking, A told me to call G. I didn't have G's number but I knew someone who does.
Phone call #5: no answer
Phone call #6:
me: Hi! A's phone seems to be turned off. Ohh! She is on a plane. [Has conversation with A/J's mom. Decides I will just go back to civilization.]
I left.

Friday, August 05, 2011

It's been a while

4. There is great need for a sarcasm font.
5. How are you supposed to fold a fitted sheet?
13. I'm slightly terrified when I exit out of Word and it asks me if I want to save any changes to my ten-page research paper that I swear I did not make any changes to.
22. I would rather try to carry 10 plastic grocery bags in each hand than take 2 trips to bring my groceries in.

There is only one person God has treated worse than he deserved. - John Piper

This post is pretty good, but maybe not helpful for everyone. It's basically about the way young women should probably think about dating.

Saturday, July 16, 2011


Am I imagining this, or did the NOAA favicon become brighter?

I made a mistake. On Google+, when I remembered that Picasa keeps all these Blogger pictures, I deleted all of them. Unfortunately, this means that none of the pictures show up here anymore unless I upload them again. The title picture and my avatar is back up, but besides that, there are far too many to restore. So I am not going to do it. Sigh.
But I don't think this will be a problem because if you really want to see little children sitting on recyclable chairs, for example, just let me know and I will email some to you, if I still have them in my computer.
Everything is so connected! awiuafwoagnljsdaf

I found this on Twitter recently:
Dannon The Dannon Company
Today is Cow Appreciation Day, so go and give a cow a hug. Without them, there would be no Dannon yogurt. #moo

These are two of my favorite moments from The Moonstone by Wilkie Collins:
"Do you really mean to say that you don't feel any interest in what we are going to do?" he asked. "Mr. Bruff, you have no more imagination than a cow!"
"A cow is a very useful animal, Mr. Blake," said the lawyer.

"'First, the inner hall,'" Betteredge wrote. "Impossible to furnish that, sir, as it was furnished last year--to begin with."
"Because there was a stuffed buzzard, Mr. Jennings, in the hall last year. When the family left, the buzzard was put away with the other things. When the buzzard was put away--he burst."
"We will except the buzzard then."
Betteredge took a note of the exception. "'The inner hall to be furnished again, as furnished last year. A burst buzzard alone excepted.' Please to go on, Mr. Jennings."

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Let's do the fork in the garbage disposal!

About ten years ago, the teacher asked her class to write answers to the question: If you could live forever, would you?
I knew my answer immediately: no. I thought that any eternal existence would become really boring, and that eventually, I would seek nothingness: death. Of course, at this moment I was quite content with life and would not have backed up this prediction absolutely. But I also thought it was preposterous to exist forever.
For days after this, our teacher read us Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbit. This is still one of my favorite books. It is about a family who finds a spring that gives eternal life. A girl falls in love with one of the family's sons, chooses not to drink the spring's water, and dies at a healthy, normal age. This book asserted the warning against holding onto an earthly life so strongly that many kids changed their minds afterwards.

In retrospect, I think I was wrong. Yes, I do not want to live forever. But yes, it would be nice to live forever. If Heaven is real, then wouldn't it be wonderful to live forever? It might be boring, or it might not. But my mind is so limited; I am far from wise. I do not have enough mental capacity or any capacity to conclude that an eternal Heaven would be boring.
I love life and am so excited about it. At the same time, I resolve not live on Earth forever. No worries about that; we know what will happen here.
But the other sort of eternality, in Heaven or Hell... I cannot deny that this will happen.

Now that I am a Christian I do have moods in which the whole thing looks improbable: but when I was an atheist I had moods in which Christianity looked terribly probable. from Mere Christianity by CS Lewis.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

I always have so many things to show yo-

but I guess that sounds a little weird.

1. Quite a realistic pie chart.

2. Being a ghost is serious business.

3. This Google Chrome video made me feel so sappy. Well I can't wait until I'm a dad one day.

4. This is kind of old-ish. But when people ask me what Cornell is like, now I have something to show them. If you haven't watched This Is, a video about Cornell University, I highly recommend it.

5. No wonder that sinners are given to slumber when saints sleep as they do. No wonder that the unconverted think hell a fiction when we live as if it were so. No wonder that they imagine heaven to be a romance, when we act as if it were so little a reality. Apparently from Charles Spurgeon, A Wilderness Cry, delivered August 4, 1878. But I couldn't figure out who really found this and has a copy of that sermon.

6. Two people saw my blog early today.
One from the US and one from Brazil.
One with Chrome and one with Safari.
One with Linux and one with Macintosh.
That is all I know, but I guess that's a little creepy of me.
But today as in June 18, 2011. Now it is later.

7. I haven't counted this high without messing up for a while now.

8. The World . . . is the beautiful frontispiece to Eternity. You never enjoy the world aright till the sea itself floweth in your veins, till you are clothed with the heavens and crowned with the stars . . . till you can sing and rejoice and delight in God as misers in gold . . . I must lead you out of this into another world to learn your wants. For till you find them you will never be happy . . . They (i.e. Souls) were made to love and are dark and vain and comfortless till they do it. Till they love they are idle or misemployed. Till they love they are desolate. from Traherne's Centuries of Meditations, quoted by CS Lewis in Yours, Jack.

9. Mr Chris Tomlin and I are very lucky people. And I just realized that the celebrity pictured is wearing the same shirt in both pictures. That was a joke. That was an ambiguously phrased sentence.

10. (500) Days of Summer is surprisingly realistic.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Meet Leo the Lion

This is one of my best friends teaching another friend's stuffed animal, Leo the Lion, how to play the guitar. For quite long now, I have and still call him my "big brother." (The person, not the lion. I don't know anything about Leo.) Actually, he is less than three months older than I. He encourages me in so many different ways, such as loosening up, and putting God first.
And he's single, ladiiies. ;) Jk. But really.

The Big Bang Theory
Leonard: At least I didn't have to invent 26 dimensions so the math would work out.
Sheldon: I didn't invent them. They're there!
Leonard: In what universe?
Sheldon: All of them! That's the point!

"Toyota's new slogan is: Moving forward. Whether you want to or not." NPR March 7, 2010
I just wanted to write this down (again?) so I could keep it forever... as long as Blogger exists. It is especially meaningful to me because I was about to (try and thankfully succeed in) braking at a stop sign... in my Corolla.

Two years ago, a scientist tried many times to make this compound. I watched and helped however I could. He has been busy with other things, but if anyone out there has made it and is willing to give out some tips, please let me know.

President Obama and facial recognition/replacement software
Three guys I know went on an online chatting website, I think Chat Roulette, and pretended to be President Obama. Some people really thought it was him.
"We asked things like are you paying your taxes and they looked scared and kept nodding. Then [one of the guys] asked if they were 18, and they did the same thing. Then he said, 'Goood. The president has to obey some of the laws.'"

My commentary on art, May 2010
I never thought I would spend hours with a tablet and stylus in hand, slowly transforming visions in my mind into colorful pieces, over and over again. I thought I preferred depicting dancers, but my art has spread throughout an assortment of genres. I am always looking for new inspiration, and do my best to save my favorites at hand. Others say they see movement and bold colors in my pieces. I agree, and have actually strived for those qualities this year, because I have always enjoyed them in my life. I wish to convey any emotion I would like to exemplify. But most often, I show strength and serenity, even if I do not act or feel this way when I begin my planning processes. I have been using newly found patience, pencil for sketching, oil pastel, watercolor, acrylic paint, Photoshop, and any luck I have in finding the right time to begin something. My favorite moment is about a third of the way through a new piece, when I have an enormous number of ideas, and a plethora of patience, knowing almost precisely how I would like to meet my final product. I think that all of this work has only reflected a small portion of me. I do not spend an enormous time with making art. Much of my future will be devoted to engineering, statistics, and dealing with things that are out of my control. I am so grateful, and will never forget to turn my attention back to digital drawing, piano, or sketching- whenever I want a break.

Monday, June 06, 2011

Try to Imagine

Last night before I fell asleep, I was thinking about how God is always right in front of our faces, constantly. This is really roughly how I see it.
I do not have a son. Well, I do not only roughly not have a son. I definitely do not have a son. Anyway.
What if I sent my hypothetical son to die for someone who didn't even deserve my grace, and then that someone found out what I had done for him? And then, what if he often ignored and doubted me? I'd be completely devastated.
We just ignore Him so much. But He loves us so much that he sent his Son to endure incomprehensible pain and die for us.
Jesus is always here to help you have a personal relationship with God. The Holy Spirit is always here to tell you exactly what God thinks. They are like a team. A really really really smart team that knows all of time at once, and the location and momentum and everything about every single particle ever.
This analogy has nothing to do with my personal experiences. But maybe it will help you. Pretend you are a female civil engineer, and that you know three guys in your Fluid Mechanics class. Please ignore everyone else. You think the first guy is really attractive. It is easy to talk to him, which is great since you are secretly in love with him. The second guy is a good friend, who you see every day. Luckily for you, he wants to make your life as easy as possible. He is willing to tell you the answers right away, so you can get your homework done but do not really learn anything. The third guy will only truly speak to you if you speak to him. But once you speak to him, anything he knows you want and suitably need, he will give to you in a greater capacity. For example, if you ask him to hold your pencil for you, he will carry your whole backpack. He rarely gives you the answer right away, but he constructively guides you in the right direction. He also happens to know exactly what you need in your life on all levels.
At the end of the course, when you are about to take your final, I bet it is great to know the first and second guys. I know. You should. If the first guy asks you on, a date, then GO! But I really hope you have a lot of conversations with the third guy.

Here are some kind of amusing things that have nothing to do with this post.

Watch this if you're bored!

N: :P
Yes and then double that and we gerbil :P
Hahahaha I mean we get you
Not we gerbil! dumb iPhone!!

me: Your birthday flower looks like a fern
R: what is my birthday flower
R: thats bc it is a fern.......
me: but there are flowers
like mine is the dahlia
R: maybe they stole it
Adiantum (pronounced /ˌædiˈæntəm/),[1] the maidenhair ferns, is a genus of about 200 species of ferns in the family Pteridaceae,
me: im not native here...
R: touche

me: hahahaha
that's funny
you should try it
R: i will
now all the videos on youtube under recommended for me are arabic
قطري زاحف
3 months ago
Because you watched
كيف تدخل وانت متأخر

me: i found this instead o.o
he can swim! oh my gosh
P: whoa.
he can graduate from cornell

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Just some things

1. I've caught hundreds of fish. Probably enough for my whole life.
2. I kind of wish people made more lists because I like to read them. They are so useful. The ones in my head are usually shorter, though.
3. You know "Smile Like You Mean It" by The Killers? It's about visiting the place where you used to live. I always struggle to explain where I lived. But thankfully I have a friends like Nicole and Chanyang nearby who can explain for me, while I make sounds like "Uh well um."
4. We went to Destin for a day trip. We almost accidentally drove to Panama City Beach.
5. Potted plants are so funny. As opposed to normal plants that grow right on Earth's surface. Think about it.
6. I feel like I can really relate to this:
You must picture me alone in that room in Magdalen, night after night, feeling, whenever my mind lifted even for a second from my work, the steady, unrelenting approach of Him of whom I so earnestly desired not to meet. That which I greatly feared had at last come upon me. In the Trinity Term of 1929 I gave in, and admitted that God was God, and knelt and prayed: perhaps, that night, the most dejected and reluctant convert in all England. I did not then see what is now the most shining and obvious thing; the Divine humility which will accept a convert even on such terms. The Prodigal Son at least walked home on his feet. But who can duly adore that Love which will open the high gates to a prodigal who is brought in kicking, struggling, resentful, and darting his eyes in every direction for a chance of escape? The words compelle intrare, compel them to come in, have been so abused by wicked men that we shudder at them; but, properly understood, they plumb the depth of the Divine mercy. The hardness of God is kinder than the softness of men, and His compulsion is our liberation. CS Lewis.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Doing Nothing

The packing and moving process was pretty awful.

I'm probably going to forget. But someone please remind me if you remember.
2010.02.24 Calvin V. at 4:35am
if i ever die kejing, i want you to put in the request to facebook to freeze my account. tell them to change my status to "what do you mean there's no in-flight meals?!"

If people use Facebook for much longer, wouldn't there be millions of people on Facebook who are actually dead? I don't know how I feel about that.
Eventually we could have databases of our ancestors. Oh man.

Oh, you know.

Emails have really started to bother me. I always liked them because they were like letters except quicker. But then you never get to see people's handwriting. Also now I never know when I should reply to people.

Two of my friends surprised me at the airport!!! They even made a sign!
My mom reminded them that one of my bedroom walls is completely blank. So I should put the sign there. But it is not there.
Actually, the last time I went to China, I bought a huge Chinese flag and wanted to put it on that wall. But I didn't really have a way to keep it secure, so now the flag is folded up in my closet.

One of my friends suggested on her Tumblr to write on a banana with a pen. Today, I finally did it! I highly recommend trying it out. It met my expectations and more.

Monday, May 16, 2011

6 school years until he can come to Cornell

I love my little brother. Here are some of our emails.

Kevin to me
show details Apr 20
it was good. At Beef-oh-Brady's we were given awards for contests and competitions. I got first place in all four contests for our grade.

Me to Kevin Apr 26
Oh, what were the contests? I'm glad you won.
It is really crazy outside now. And so warm:

Kevin to me Apr 28
The contests were Mathcounts, AMC 8, Sigma, and Math Olympiad.


Kevin to me at 7:51 PM (3 hours ago)
I took the Orleans-Hanna test. It's supposed to see how well you will learn Algebra. There is a lesson and then there are questions about it. At the end there is a 6th grade review section. The only problem was that I already knew everything.