Tuesday, November 28, 2006


The pattern for a Chinese flag on a standard 3x3 Rubik's cube from left to right and top to bottom ^^.

I'm going to fail the SATs so much...

Monday, November 27, 2006

50th Post!

I know I'm weird. At least I'm Asian.

Everyone needs to convince Diana that she is smarter than me.
U kin doo dths leeving uh commynt and say sow.

Standard materials for a grenade:
-iron pipe with threaded ends, 1.5-3" diameter and 3-8" inches long
-two iron pipe caps
-explosive or propellant (special fertilizer?)
-non-electric commercial or military blasting cap
-fuse cord
-hand drill

Um... All I have so far is the hand drill and pliers. I guess I could just improvise with other materials, but testing it to make it the most effective would take more than two days. I need one on Wednesday.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

you're schizo and you know it

I never had the time to measure the volume of my backpack.
Diana has a humongous backpack, though. She could fit many more grenades.
To answer your questions, the reason I'm talking about explosive devices is because people just need to be (hypothetically but not really) blown up these days. *sigh*
I wish Mr. F would allow me to be team captain. Then I wouldn't need to find SOMEONE'S allergies...

Remember the nursery rhyme?
Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of Albert.

Speaking of UF, it's interesting how the layout of the page where you write a post is blue and orange. Google needs to rethink their design. Or Jack could get a blog and call it "fate".

Saturday, November 25, 2006

FSU vs. UF

Well, for some reason, I published this, but no words showed up.
Okay. About FSU vs. UF. It is the oddest rivalry I've every seen, considering how it's WITHIN a state. People need to decide already. For now, we can continue sticking "Gator-fil-A" stickers on the proctors' back when we visit Gainesville for MAO or Certamen competitions. Certamen is a Latin competition so I won't be there, but the future valedictorian of CHS, class of 2010 *cough* DIANA *COUGH* can do that for me.

By the way, I estimate that you could fit about 50 hand grenades in a backpack. I plan to actually find out the exact number today.

Monday, November 20, 2006

MAO test

I mentioned a 5 million dollars that Diana owes me in a recent post.
This means that she doesn't have to pay me all at once, since she also owes me an additional $5 for when we get back our Algebra II MAO practice tests at she gets a higher score! :D
Grand total: $50,000,005.00

Sunday, November 19, 2006

mysterious envelope 6/2006

Stolen from Connie at 8th-grade-end-of-the-year field trip at Governor Dodge State Park. Google "Neal Wu" if you're interested.

I will be rich! Very rich.

Most Chinese people realize that four is a very bad number. This is because if you change the tone from 4 to 3, it turns into "die." I will now quickly add another post so Gmail doesn't tell me to "die^2" when I log into blogger. ^^ I'm weird.

I finished To Kill a Mockingbird yesterday. I don't know how I managed to get through it all.
Tomorrow, the CHS Algebra II people will be taking a "practice" test so the teacher can get an idea of who'll be on the team. Diana, you probably don't want to bet against your highly proficient skill in math because you need all the money you can save for when you give me $5,000,000 when you become valedictorian.

Yesterday, my dad said I could buy a car (because we were passing by a car junkyard) with my money (about $100). Then, my mom said I could probably only buy some tires. I clarified this by saying that I could buy about one and a half tires. So by senior year, I'll be able to buy 75,001.5 tires. Yes, I know, I'm already thinking about how I could possibly spend all the money. Diana, if you want, you could just give me 70,000 tires if you don't have $5,000,000 to spare.

Here is the picture I was talking about. It makes me so sad because it's so happy, but see, the lighting makes it "in the past" like you're looking back at it (well obviously). I can't explain it. And it took an incredible amount of time to load on to Blogger.

Friday, November 17, 2006


I signed up for FLVS, and I'm going to take World History Honors in January 2007 if there's an opening, which there probably will be since no one takes World History online.
There is a left-hand-side link area just like many other websites in this world.
I was extremely bored, and highlighted it. To my amazement and schizophrenia, there were white letters (meaning you can't see it unless you type it) right under the rest of the words. It was "fvcvsa01". I don't know what this means or who put it there. All I know is that I'm NOT schizo.
I didn't talk to a brick pole that had "feelings" today. *cough* Diana *cough*

Chick-fil-A, a fast-food place is very popular here. You may remember it from the cows who carry around signs saying, "Eat Chikin." Well, since FSU and UF are rivals and the University of Florida (or FU, whatever it happens to be) has gators for the mascot, yesterday, I used my Avery address labels with Microsoft Publisher to make "Gator-fil-A" stickers. I was so proud. I even made the words garnet and added a goldenrod border to them. But the Badgers are still the best no matter what anyone says. However, you must remember that China rules all.

Thursday, November 16, 2006


I feel stupid. I don't know how to find the number of factors a number has. The answer's something like 50 or 60...
And then, there's these problems in which they give you a polynomial with a LOT of terms and you have to figure out the roots- negative real, positive real, etc.
And, of course, there's those random problems that look at how lucky you are to know how to do them.
Everything makes an extra turn, so you MUST use your brain.
I don't have much of a brain, so I don't know what I'll do. Fail, I guess.
I must go practice math because I havent for a very long time. I'll probably end up doing something completely different. Like printing out the Spanish quiz that I need... Heh. Let me revise that:
I must now go and print out the 4.3 Spanish quiz, and then, if I have time, (yeah right) I will go and practice math.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


About Mozilla Firefox...
I have found some problems that I don't understand:
When you have a browser, at the bottom of your screen, it's on the toolbar thing for your desktop. If you click on the button that corresponds to said browser, it should minimize. MF doesn't.
Also, it won't get tot the front of the browsers if I have more than one. Could this be because Internet Explorer is my default browser? Perhaps not.
In addition to that, Internet Explorer is better for unreliable stolen wireless. The Gmail chat stayed connected on IE, but not MF when the wireless signal got worse.
However, I do like the tabs in MF a lot. It's very, very organized. But you can't see them at the same time unless you have another browser.

I can't wait until my AoPS books come!!!!!!!!!!!!!