This from Linda, who got it from Jessica.
1. Last beverage→ Zephyrhills(sp?)
2. Last phone call→ Carolyn missed it. :'( Poor Carolyn.
3. Last instant message→ Ryan
4. Last cd played→ Sam's Town
5. Last time you cried→ yesterday
6. Last text message→ Who the heck is 556.2362?
1. Dated someone twice? no
2. Been cheated on? hmmmmm
3. Kissed someone & regretted it? no
4. Lost someone special? yes
5. Been depressed? a bit
6. Been drunk and threw up? no
1. red
2. green
3. blue
1. Made a new friend? sure
2. Fallen out of love? no
3. Laughed until you cried? no
4. Met someone who changed your life? not really
5. Found out who your true friends were? in ways
6. Is there something you want to tell someone? yes
7. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life? over 99% of them
8. How many kids do you want to have? none right now
9. Do you have any pets? no
10. Do you want to change your name? I guess it's too late for that. I remember my mother suggesting I changed it to Amy when I was in about fourth grade because translates to "love you" in Chinese.
11. What did you do for your last birthday? get my beautiful tennis racket
12. What time did you wake up today? that's a really good question... 7:32amish
13. What were you doing at midnight last night? sleeping
14. Name something you CANNOT wait for? but I have to wait
15. Last time you saw your father? yesterday, for net time less than ten seconds
16. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life? add more athleticism into it
17. What are you listening to right now? Beautiful Words by The Afters
18. Have you ever talked to Rob? which Rob?
19. Who's getting on your nerves right now? no one
20. Most visited webpage? Google
001. Whats your real name? Oh, you really want to know?
002. Nicknames → jing jing, k-_ _ _, Best Friend, sister, K, the omnipotent CEO
003. Status → Available, but not in that sense.
004. Zodiac sign → Virgo
005. Male or female → What do you think?
006. Elementary → Van Hise
007. Middle school → Velma Hamilton
008. High school → Lawton Chiles
010. Hair color → dark brown
011. Long or short → long
015. Are you health freak? → at times
016. Height → shorter than my parents
017. Do you have a crush on someone → Ooooh.
018. Do you like yourself → that highly depends on the situation
019. Piercings → I'm thinking about it.
020. Tattoos → no
021. Righty or lefty → righty
022. First surgery → oral surgery... I forgot when. You see, the dentist took about one and a half hours to realize that he couldn't get the hooked root out by himself. What a painful experience.
023. First piercing → none
024. First best friend → Rose. I wonder if she remembers me. Or if she still has her yellow recorder. At least, I think it was yellow.
025. First award → Book-it!
026. First sport you joined → biking my little black bike
027. First pet → snail
028. First vacation → something like Stonehenge, Bath, that castle with the red rose garden, Oxford, Stradford upon Avon, or London?
029. First concert → PIANO!
030. First Belief → Christianity is the only one that really counts. That or the tooth fairy, which failed. It was for about eight hours.
049. Eating → nothing
050. Drinking → nothing
052. I'm about to → get a headache and read The Scarlet Letter
053. Listening to → no change to that
055. Waiting for → college
058. Want kids? yes, but it is a pity I cannot carry on the family name
059. Want to get married? yes
060. Careers in mind? engineering, national security
068. Lips or eyes → well, I know you have great eyes
069. Hugs or kisses → I wouldn't know
070. Shorter or taller → taller
072. Romantic or spontaneous → smart
073. Nice stomach or nice arms → you have both gj
074. Sensitive or loud → what?
075. Hook-up or relationship → relationship
077. Trouble maker or hesitant → I wonder.... -heavy sarcasm-
079. Drank hard liquor: no :'(
080. Lost glasses/contacts → yes
081. Ran away from home → I wish
084. Broken someone's heart → possibly
085. Been arrested → aw darn no
086. Turned someone down → yes
087. Cried when someone died → no
088. Liked a guy/girl friend → yes, but not the latter
089. Yourself → rarely
090. Miracles → no
091. Love at first sight → hasn't happened yet
092. Heaven → no
093. Santa Claus → no
095. Kissing on the first date → no
096. Angels → the ones Joseph believes in, my wooden one, and the one I drew on the board above (costheta)(cos2theta)(cos4theta)
097. Is there one person you want to be with right now? yes
098. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time? no
099. Do you believe in God? no
100. Posting this as 100 Truths? not the title
Thursday, October 16, 2008
I'm still here!
I saw this on Anna's blog from Google Reader, and it seemed so awesome, and I really don't feel like doing homework, even though I always do it after school ends.
So, here it is!
10 things you want to say to 10 different people:
1) I really hope that wish comes true!
2) I don't think Mrs. Knoll got the sizes. =/
3) You're not very good at describing a textbook.
4) Your violin sounds so pretty!
5) Today, I realized how beautiful your eyes are. Watch out for predators, though.
6) Get a haircut.
7) You write your name in the same general style as someone else I know.
8) It's so easy to say things to people, but to you, there are so many things I could say, and I could never fit it in one line unless I got kind of sappy, but that is probably okay with you, but you can read my mind anyway. Te amo.
9) I wish I had a yellow dress like you do.
10) I'm sorry someone beat you on a test that I thought you totally raped.
9 things about yourself:
1) I do homework on Friday afternoons.
2) Jack's Nike shirt is my favorite shade of green.
3) I saw fog particles moving right in front of me this morning.
4) Maybe I will be trilingual one day.
5) I don't actually want to become a spy.
6) The North is the best, in my opinion.
7) I began to play the piano when I was four and a half. Tiny me. Yeah...
8) I played for two to three hours straight when I started.
8 ways to win your heart:
1) make me smile
2) be smarter than me
3) write a great poem and/or letter
4) talk talk talk talk talk
5) play with CAD for at least two summers in a row
6) teach me how to do something I've always wanted to learn
7) know me well enough to know that I can't just list these things, or just read my mind all the time
8) let me win your heart
7 things that cross your mind a lot:
1) school
2) friends who are unhappy- make them happier!
3) leaving high school
4) red is such a great color
5) hey, I am absentmindedly spinning my pencil/pen again
6) if you really didn't try you would know what crosses my mind a lot
7) hey, I was spinning it again
6 things you wish you never did:
1) pause piano lessons
2) decide not to take notes during the last ppt that Mrs. Thomas showed us
3) become extremely apathetic during the concept test
4) fail.
5) neglect to buy really dark sunglasses B)
6) go to bed so late
5 things you want right now:
1) the laptop to go back to normal
2) a chance to go skiing
3) a trip to the beach
4) a smoothie
5) above all: my favorite pillow ever
4 people you love:
1) my mother
2) my father, who comes home at about 8pm these days
3) my brother? Maybe? :O Well, definitely right now, because he is not at home! For the rest of the day! Yes!
4) my h.w.a.b. :d
3 smileys that describe your life:
1) '~' (nervous)
2) '(o (eating)
3) *-* (dreamy)
2 things you want before you die:
1) satisfaction
2) bravery
1 confession:
The bug that just landed on my window was HUGE.
Three-day weekends are so amazing.
So, here it is!
10 things you want to say to 10 different people:
1) I really hope that wish comes true!
2) I don't think Mrs. Knoll got the sizes. =/
3) You're not very good at describing a textbook.
4) Your violin sounds so pretty!
5) Today, I realized how beautiful your eyes are. Watch out for predators, though.
6) Get a haircut.
7) You write your name in the same general style as someone else I know.
8) It's so easy to say things to people, but to you, there are so many things I could say, and I could never fit it in one line unless I got kind of sappy, but that is probably okay with you, but you can read my mind anyway. Te amo.
9) I wish I had a yellow dress like you do.
10) I'm sorry someone beat you on a test that I thought you totally raped.
9 things about yourself:
1) I do homework on Friday afternoons.
2) Jack's Nike shirt is my favorite shade of green.
3) I saw fog particles moving right in front of me this morning.
4) Maybe I will be trilingual one day.
5) I don't actually want to become a spy.
6) The North is the best, in my opinion.
7) I began to play the piano when I was four and a half. Tiny me. Yeah...
8) I played for two to three hours straight when I started.
8 ways to win your heart:
1) make me smile
2) be smarter than me
3) write a great poem and/or letter
4) talk talk talk talk talk
5) play with CAD for at least two summers in a row
6) teach me how to do something I've always wanted to learn
7) know me well enough to know that I can't just list these things, or just read my mind all the time
8) let me win your heart
7 things that cross your mind a lot:
1) school
2) friends who are unhappy- make them happier!
3) leaving high school
4) red is such a great color
5) hey, I am absentmindedly spinning my pencil/pen again
6) if you really didn't try you would know what crosses my mind a lot
7) hey, I was spinning it again
6 things you wish you never did:
1) pause piano lessons
2) decide not to take notes during the last ppt that Mrs. Thomas showed us
3) become extremely apathetic during the concept test
4) fail.
5) neglect to buy really dark sunglasses B)
6) go to bed so late
5 things you want right now:
1) the laptop to go back to normal
2) a chance to go skiing
3) a trip to the beach
4) a smoothie
5) above all: my favorite pillow ever
4 people you love:
1) my mother
2) my father, who comes home at about 8pm these days
3) my brother? Maybe? :O Well, definitely right now, because he is not at home! For the rest of the day! Yes!
4) my h.w.a.b. :d
3 smileys that describe your life:
1) '~' (nervous)
2) '(o (eating)
3) *-* (dreamy)
2 things you want before you die:
1) satisfaction
2) bravery
1 confession:
The bug that just landed on my window was HUGE.
Three-day weekends are so amazing.
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